"...process and cognitive map for understanding and explaining a client’s presenting issues and for guiding the counseling process.”  -Jon Sperry and Len Sperry

Case Conceptualization


“refers to a description of the nature and severity of the client’s clinical presentation”, “typically includes symptoms, personal concerns, and interpersonal conflicts”

What is Presentation?


“refers to a planned treatment intervention, including treatment goals, strategy and methods".  It includes clinical decision-making considerations and ethical considerations.

What is Plan?


Core Function- The utilization of special skills to assist individuals, families or groups in achieving objectives through exploration of a problem and its ramifications; examination of attitudes and feelings; consideration of alternative solutions; and decision-making.

What is Counseling?


“refer to processes through which an individual’s pattern is reinforced and confirmed by both the individual and the individual’s environment.  These processes may be physical such as impaired immunity or habituation to an additive substance; psychological, such as losing hope or fearing the consequences of getting well; or social, such as colluding family members or agencies that foster constrained dysfunctional behavior rather than recovery and growth.  Sometimes precipitating factors continue and become" these.  

What are Perpetuants?


Presentation, Precipitant, Pattern (maladaptive), Predisposition (Biological, psychological, social, cultural), Perpetuants, Protective Factors/ strengths, Plan(treatment), Prognosis

What are the 8 P's of Case Conceptualization?

(From article in December 2020 issue of Counseling Today, “Case Conceptualization: Key to highly effective counseling” by Jon Sperry and Len Sperry)


Core Function- The process by which the client is determined appropriate and eligible for admission to a particular program.

What is Screening?


the process of adaption to a culture different from one’s initial culture.

What is Acculturation?


“refers to all factors that render an individual vulnerable to a clinical condition….biological, psychological, social, cultural” .

What is Predisposition?


Core Function- Identifying the needs of a client that cannot be met by the counselor or agency and assisting the client to utilize the support systems and community resources available.

What is Referral?


Core Function- The procedures by which a counselor/program identifies and evaluates an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, problems and needs for the development of a treatment plan

What is Assessment?


"Adapting to another culture tends to be stressful, and this is called ____________.  Such adaptation is reflected in levels of acculturation that range from low to high.  Generally, clients with lower level of acculturation experience more distress than those with a higher level of acculturation." - Sperry and Sperry

What is acculturative stress?


Core Function- Process by which the counselor and the client identify and rank problems needing resolution; establish agreed upon immediate and long-term goals; and decide upon a treatment process and the resources to be utilized.

What is Treatment Planning?


Coping skills, positive support system, secure attachment style. Strengths- “psychological factors that consistently enable individuals to think and act in ways that benefit themselves and others”  Examples- mindfulness, self-control, resilience, self confidence

What are Protective Factors?


early childhood losses, inconsistent parenting style, overly enmeshed or disengaged family environment, and family values such as competitiveness or criticalness, financial stressor, includes cultural factors

What is a Social factor of Predisposition?


dysfunctional beliefs involving inadequacy, perfectionism, or over dependence which predispose them to medical conditions (ex. Cardiovascular disease).  Limited or exaggerated social skills.

What is a Psychological Factor of Predisposition?


refer to physical (ex. medication side effects, pain), psychological (ex. losses, rejections that undermine a person's sense of self competence), and social stressors (losses, rejections that undermine a person's social support or status- ex. death of s.o., job demotion) that may be causative or coincide with the onset of symptoms or relational conflict”.   

What are Precipitants?


genetic (genetic mutations may not always be familial- ex. Down Syndrome), familial (familial disease is hereditary- passed on from one generation to the next and resides in a genetic mutation), temperament, medical

What is a Biological factor of Predisposition?


Core Function- Describing to the client the following: general nature and goals of the program; rules governing client conduct and infractions that can lead to disciplinary action or discharge from the program; in a non-residential program, the hours during which services are available; treatment costs to be borne by the client, if any; and client rights.

What is Orientation?


"refers to the individual’s expected response to treatment.   This forecast is based on the mix of risk factors and protective factors, client strengths and readiness for change, and the counselor’s experience and expertise in effecting therapeutic change”

What is Prognosis?


Core Function- The administrative and initial assessment procedures for admission to a program.

What is Intake?


level of acculturation, acculturative stress and acculturation-specific stress

What are 3 Cultural Factors particularly important in developing effective case conceptualization?


“refers to the predictable and consistent style or manner in which an individual thinks, feels, acts, copes, and defends the self both in stressful and non-stressful circumstances.  It reflects the individual’s baseline functioning.”  Features include- physical, psychological, and social.  Includes functional strengths which counterbalance dysfunction

What is Pattern?


 “Acculturative stress differs from _________________ such as discrimination, second- language competencies, and microaggressions” 

What are acculturation-specific stresses?


Core Function- Activities which bring services, agencies, resource, or people together within a planned framework of action toward the achievement of established goals. It may involve liaison activities and collateral contacts.

What is Case Management?
