Preventing Patient Elopement
Bowel and Bladder Huddles

What does NCP mean?

Non-Verbal Cognition Project


What does CDR+ Mean?

Cue-Driven Repositioning 

Plus is including patient's with non-removable device


When do we place a patient on elopement precautions?

When a patient is ambulatory and not oriented.

When a patient verbalized/ expressed wanting to leave hospital


What is the goal of Bowel and Bladder Huddles?

To increase the 1 North continent patient discharge rate.


In what way do you feel recognized and rewarded? May give examples

Star Card, Employee of the Month, Daisy Award, Press Ganey Results, During huddles and briefing  Daisy Team


What is the goal of NCP?

To decrease unwitnessed/unassisted falls and to increase Patient satisfaction by preparing the patient's to help function at home


What is the goal of CDR+?

To decrease number of HAPIs and MDRPIs


Give 3 items a patient should be wearing or in place if on elopement precautions?

Green shirt, green jacket, green hospital gown, green scrubs, white wristband with a green triangle clip-on, solid green colored wristband, wristband with wander guard, green triangle placed outside patient's room, green triangle placed on the exit doors in the unit, Risk for injury care plan (elopement precautions), photo of patient, elopement forms top be submitted to Security.


What day do we do our bowel and bladder huddles?




Describe the mentoring process as a staff nurse/CNA/clerk. 

As a staff nurse, we have 1 month classroom training and if a New grad, we have a new grad program.

They have assigned preceptor for orientation on the floor and have a checklist/guide for day to day skills check. We also need to check in with our Nurse educator daily/weekly about our progress and challenges we encounter.

Offering mentorship program depending on your goal and may reach out to CPD.

We also update our supervisor/nurse manager on how we do and they help us extend or offer more training for our needs.

Provides opportunities to go to different councils and committees.


What are the 2 screening tools to assess patient's cognition?

The clock drawing test and papadum (pizza) test


How often do you need to turn and repositiong patient? Do we need to do pressure relief if patient's are up in the wheelchair?

Every 2 hours

Yes we need to do pressure relief if patient's are up in the wheelchair


What piece of clothing did our 1 north staff nurse suggested to include in our elopement precaution?

Green elopement pants


Who are the interdisciplinary team included during the bowel and bladder huddles?

PT, OT, RA, Nursing and Clinical Nurse Specialist (Victoria Alvarenga)



How are you supported in educational needs and maintaining professional certification?

Our hospital offers a lot of classes to get CEUs and also giving us "T" (training) time if we opt to take classes outside the hospital. 

Also offering a lot of certifications and helps us in preparing for the test. Gives us reimbursement for the certification application and exam.

Staff are given opportunities to be sent to different conferences.

Success pays.


How often to we use the screening tool to assess patient's cognition?

On admission and re-evaluated every Monday


What is your part a CNA, RN, LVN, RA, or CLERK in this project?

CNA: Help turn and reposition patient and remind patient and document in Orchid

RN/LVN: Help turn and reposition patient and remind them, document in Orchid, educate patient/family and caregivers. Assess Braden: Mobility score of patient and identify patient's with NRMD (Non-removable medical device). Supply communicate with PT/MD/OT about the pressure prevention materials prior to applying a NRMD.

RA: Help turn and reposition patient and remind patient and document in Orchid.

CLERK: Sends an audible tone through the unit’s call light system every 2 hours to remind nursing to go around the unit and reposition patients with the CDR visual cue outside their room. 


Discuss communication with the Administrative Directors, What access do you have to them? How do they communicate with you and your teams?

They attend our monthly staff meeting. They also give their direct number on which we can call them directly and we also communicate to them thru Microsoft Teams and by emailing them.


What day does the RA (Rehab Associate) do their rounds and which tool do they use to update bowel and bladder continence of the patients?

Every Thursday.

They use the BOWEL & BLADDER COMMUNICATION TOOL to collect the data from the previous week that pertained to continence status, bowel and bladder programs, mobility status, hygiene assistance, and equipment used.



How does your unit receive and review patient satisfaction data and nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSIs)? (FALLS, HAPIs, CAUTIs, CLABSI, Med errors) 

We review patient satisfaction data (press ganey results) every month during our staff meeting.

We are updated with our NSIs quarterly and it is posted in our QUALITY BOARD in our unit.


Give me at least 3 materials used for thr NCP project

Clock drawwing screening tool, papadum (pizza) screening tool, brain magnets attached to communication board, red binder, think 1st safety script, communication board at bedside, 30min rounding form


How does transformational leadership applied in the CDR+ project?

It applies to Rancho's mission statement "To restore health, rebuild life, and revitalize hope for persons with life-changing illness, injury, or disability." 

The CDR Protocol is a practice that will restore patient health by minimizing their risk of complications after lifechanging events, such as brain injury. 


How did TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP apply in this project?


Deepa (Assistant Nursing Director) attended our staff meeting and heard about the suggestion of our staff nurse. She advocated to provide the green elopement pants by emailing nursing facilities and supply chain department to purchase green pajama pants.


What is your part as a CNA, RN, RA in helping improve continent status of the patient?

Using the bladder program form and documenting if the patient is on time void, habit or bladder training.

Offering and reminding patient to use the bathroom by using urinal, bedpan, commode or toilet.

Assisting them on their transfers.

Documenting accurately in ORCHID about the continent status of the patient and location where the patient voided.

Educating the patient and family/caregivers on ways to improve continence and ways they can help to assist patient for bowel/bladder training.

Reading the email from Victoria Alvarenga to keep us updated about the bowel/bladder huddle.



How are nurses involved in the workflow improvements in your unit?

We suggest possible improvement changes by letting a UPIC (Unit Project Innovation Council) member know about the problems we encounter. may also use suggestion box

During staff meeting, huddles and briefing.

Emailing our supervisor and nurse manager
