He was a son of who? Name one of wives also:
Jesse, he had four wives: Michal, Abigail, Ahinoam, Maacah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah
What happened to Saul and Jonathan?
Saul took his life rather than be taken prisoner, and Jonathan died in battle
Why did God choose David and not his older brother?
God doesn't judge by outward appearance but by heart
What happened when Samuel died?
all of Israel mourned.
What is a lesson we can learn from the story of David and Goliath?
The big guy doesn't always win if the little guy has a bigger heart (faith), size doesn't always matter, the Lord wil carry us through
Why was Saul mad at Samuel
He was late and so Saul did the sacrifice
How did Michal help David escape?
She told everyone he was ill and he climbed through a window
Why did David go after the Amalekites?
They raided Ziklag and taken women, children, possessions, etc.
What made Saul jealous of David?
the women sang about David's victory with ten thousands, and Saul only thousands.
Who was the commander of Saul's army?
How did David escape after being brought before the King of Gath?
He pretended to be insane
What happened in the cave?
Saul went alone and David cut part of his robe, David stopped everyone from killing Saul but then followed Saul out and said I could have killed you but I didn't. Saul realizes that God has left him and is with David and they make an oath.
Why did Saul go to the witch of Endor?
He was afraid of the Philistines and wanted to know what would happen
Where was Saul's first victory?
Jabesh Gilead