What is your favorite book, and why do you like it
My favorite book is __________________ because ____________________.
If you could invent a new holiday, what would it celebrate?
I would invent a holiday that celebrated __________________.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
I would want to have the ability/power to ________________. I would use it for _______________________.
What do you think makes a story exciting?
A story is exciting when ____________________.
I think __________________________ makes a story exciting.
How would you describe your perfect day?
My perfect day would be _____________________________.
How would you describe your best friend in three words?
My best friend _________ is ___________, ____________, and ______________.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?
I would go to __________________ because _______________.
How do you know when someone is a good friend?
I know someone is a good friend when they ____________________.
If you had to describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
I would say that ____________________________.
What is one way you can show responsibility at home?
I can show responsibility at home by _______________________.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?
I would have a _________________ because ________________.
What is something you are really good at?
I am really good at _____________________.
What do you do when you feel frustrated?
When I feel frustrated, I ______________________.
What is one thing you wish adults understood about kids?
I wish adults understood that kids _______________________.
How do you prepare for a big test or project?
I prepare for a big test/project by ______________________.
What is one thing you have learned this year that surprised you?
I was surprised when I learned about _____________________.
How would you help a new student feel welcome at school?
I would help a new student feel welcome at school by ________________________.
If you could design a playground, what would it have?
If I could design a playground, it would have ________________.
If you could create a new school subject, what would it be and why?
I would create _______________________ because _____________.
If you could switch places with any character from a book or movie, who would it be and why?
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
__________________ is my favorite teacher because ________________.
What is one rule you would change at school, and why?
I would change ____________________ because _____________________.
What is something you have worked hard to improve?
I have worked hard to improve ___________________.
Why is it important to listen to others?
It is important to listen to others because _____________________.
What is something you’ve done that made you feel proud?
I made myself proud when I ______________________.