How many students are in 1 South this year?
Name the four teachers in 1 South this year.
Ms. RJ, Ms. Snickenberger, Ms. Pike and Mr. Brattke
What are your movement teachers names?
Ms. McCune and Mr. Marino
We all wrote _______ Stories this year.
TOOTH stories
What is the name of the Fundations owl?
Baby Echo
Library or Quiet corner
How many pets does Ms. RJ have? Can you name them?
2 - Pilot the dog and Beni the cat
What is a song you sang with Ms. Camp this year?
so many possibilities...!
How many tens and how many ones in the number 62?
6 tens and 2 ones
Who was one of the teachers who came to help with lunch? (outside of your 1 South teachers!)
Ms. Gifford, Ms. Bruun, Ms. Camp
How many tables are on the "play side" of the classroom?
Your teachers were always standing in a specific shape. What shape?
A triangle!
What is a project you did in the Makerspace this year?
so many possibilities...!
Where do we put food scraps?
the compost bin
What is the name of the Birthday Dinosaur?
Ikibod Pete
How often did we change table spots?
every month
Ms. Snickenberger likes to coach Shady Hill sports. What's one sport she coaches?
field hockey, basketball, lacrosse
What makes a seed grow?
Water, sunlight, oxygen
When you think about characters in a book, you can think about them with two types of traits. What are the two types of traits?
Inside and outside
Name the SPLERT superheros.
Stan Struggle, Polly Play, Lindsay Limits&Expectations, Rusty Respect, Tina Time
How many classroom jobs can you remember?
attendance helpers, milk helpers, runners, greeters, DJs, librarians, message/calendar readers, lunch inviters, line leader/caboose, substitute
What was Mr. Brattke's favorite snack at school?
Breakfast Bars
Who is the illustrator you studied most recently with Ms. Patterson?
Christian Robinson
How many trick words in this sentence:
You are the best in the band.
3 - you, are, the
Finish this sentence: First grade was awesome because_______!
so many possibilities...!