What is an All-Hazard Concept?
Provides a coordinated approach to a wide variety of incidents
What is a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)?
Mobile computer that communicates with other computers on a radio system
Portion of the exterior walls of a building that extends above the roof. A low wall at the edge of a roof.
Stored energy possessed by an object that can be released in the future to perform work once released
Potential Energy
What is a Fusee?
Flare sometime used in wildland firefighting to start controlled burns
What is a Power Take-Off (PTO) System?
Mechanism that allows a vehicle engine to power equipment such as a pump, winch, or portable tool. Typically attached to a transmission.
Fixed, nonmobile radio at a central location.
Bases station radio
Wall of a building that carries at least some part of the structural load of the building in direction of the ground or base.
Load-bearing wall
What is Entrainment
The drawing in and transporting of solid particles or gases by the flow of a fluid.
What is a closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus?
SCBA that recycles exhaled air; removes carbon dioxide and restores compressed, chemical, or liquid oxygen.
a step-up transformer that converts a vehicle's 12- or 24- volt DC current into 110- or 220- volt AC current is called a:
Which type of communications center equipment is used to communicate with hospitals or other response agencies?
a. enhanced 9-1-1
b. base station radio
c. direct-line telephone
d. public safety answering point
What is protected steel?
Steel structural members that are covered with either spray-on fire proofing or fully encased in a UL tested system.
The total quantity of combustible contents of a building, space, or fire area.
Fuel Load
What is a Qualitative Fit Test (QLFT)?
Fit test that measures the wearer's response to a test agent, such as irritant smoke or odorous vapor.
Personnel who provide emergency services to external customers (the public).
Line Personnel
If an incident grows in complexity, the:
a. command and tactical channels may be expanded
b. command and tactical channels should be restricted
c. nonemergency channels must be switched to emergency channels
d. emergency channels must be switched to nonemergency channels
What is an Oriented Strand Board (OSB)?
Wooden structural panel formed by gluing and compressing wood strands together under pressure.
What is piloted ignition?
Moment when a mixture of fuel and oxygen encounters an external ignition source with sufficient heat or thermal energy to start the combustion reaction
What is a Supplied Air Respirator (SAR)?
Atmosphere supplying respirator for which the source of breathing air is not designed to be carried by the used.
Organizational principle that is developed and adopted as a basis for decision-making
When portable radios are used in hazardous atmospheres, they:
a. are more likely to fail because of interference
b. should be contained in a special protective case
c. must only be used for a very brief amount of time
d. must be intrinsically safe for the specific environment
Horizontal member between trusses that support the roof
What is fuel that is being oxidized or burned during combustion?
Reducing agent
What is a Quantitative Fit Test (QNFT)?
Fit test in which instruments measure the amount of test agent that has leaked into the respirator from the ambient atmosphere. If leakage is above pre-set amount, the respirator fit is inadequate.