100: What is the Greek word for "tree"?
το δέντρο
What is the difference between "και" and "κι" in Greek?
"κι" is used before words starting with vowels, "και" before consonants
"Η γειτονιά μας είναι ______ και ήσυχη." (Use καθαρός in the correct form.)
100: What is the plural of "ο γείτονας"?
οι γείτονες
What is the Greek word for "neighborhood"?
η γειτονιά
What is the Greek word for the number one (1)?
What is the Greek word for "Carnival"?
What does "ο γείτονας" mean in English?
Fill in the blank: "_____ εγώ τρώω παγωτό." (Choose between "και" or "κι.")
"Έχω έναν χάρακα _____ ένα μολύβι." (Use και or κι.)
Change "το δέντρο" to plural.
τα δέντρα
What is a small, busy store in every Greek neighborhood called?
το περίπτερο
How do you say "ten" in Greek?
What is the Greek word for "clown"?
Translate "αγαπάω" into English.
I love
True or False: The adjective "καθαρός" changes form based on gender.
True – καθαρός (m), καθαρή (f), καθαρό (n)
“Η μαμά πάει στο πάρκο ____ τα παιδιά." (Use και or κι.)
What is the plural form of "ο πίνακας"?
οι πίνακες
What does the text say about the park in the neighborhood?
It has many trees, flowers, and games for kids.
What is the Greek word for the number twenty-five (25)?
είκοσι πέντε
What do people traditionally fly on Clean Monday (Καθαρά Δευτέρα)?
Χαρταετός - Kite
What is the Greek word for "quiet"?
What is the plural of "ο άντρας"?
οι άντρες
"Ο ουρανός είναι ______." (Use the correct form of καθαρός.)
What is the plural of "ο χάρακας"?
οι χάρακες
What does the lesson mention about big cities in Greece?
They have many streets and apartments.
How do you say "ninety-nine" (99) in Greek?
ενενήντα εννέα
What is the name Great Lent?
What is the Greek word for "coin"?
το κέρμα
When talking about a female neighbor in Greek, what word would you use instead of "ο γείτονας
η γειτόνισσα
"Ο Νίκος είναι αδύνατος _____ ψηλός." (Use και or κι.)
How do you say "The men" in Greek?
οι άντρες
How do you say "one hundred and fifty-three" (153) in Greek?
εκατόν πενήντα τρία
What are two common items people wear during Apokries celebrations?
Μάσκες (Masks) and Στολές (Costumes)