Electricity in the U.S.
Electrical energy
Renewable Energy and The Environment
Energy generation and storage
Mystery Category

These are the main sources of electricity in the U.S.

What is natural gas, nuclear, coal, and renewables?


This refers to the "pressure" or "push" in an electrical system.

Hint: The units are called "Volts" (V)

What is voltage?


These are possible ways to save electrical energy in your home (name two minimum).

What is adjusting the thermostat, insulating your home, turning off lights, and using solar power?


This includes the limited time available, higher upfront cost, lower efficiency, and space limitations.

What are the drawbacks of renewable energy?


These are some careers in renewable energy in the U.S. (name at least three).

What is an engineer, technician, scientist, construction worker, supply chain manager, marketing manager, salesman, purchaser, accountant (and many many more)?


This is when energy changes from one form to another. 

Bonus 101: This refers to the total amount of energy not changing.

What is energy transformation?

Bonus: What is energy conservation?


This refers to the flow of electricity (i.e. flow of electrons).

Hint: This is measured in "Amps" (A)

What is current?


This refers to the long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels.

What is climate change?


This refers to reduction of carbon emissions and air pollution, better reliability, job creation, increased energy independence, and lower energy costs.

What are the benefits of renewable energy?


This refers to a self-contained electrical network to generate its own electricity on-site.

What is a microgrid?


This is the ranking of the most used electricity sources in the U.S.

What is:

1. Natural Gas

2. Renewables

3. Coal

4. Nuclear


This is an object's ability to accept the flow of current. 

Hint: This is measure in "Ohms" (Ω )B

Bonus 100 points: This component is the most common type. It limits the flow of current.

What is resistance?

Bonus: What is a resistor?


This device transfers wind energy to electrical energy.

Bonus 200 points: What are the two most common of these devices?

What is a wind turbine?

Bonus: What is HAWT and VAWT?

(Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine)


This refers to a source of energy that is caused by the movement of air from high pressure to low pressure.

What is wind?


This is the utility bill of NASA as of 2020

What is $123.1 MILLION?

Fun fact: this is $14.1K per hour


These three components are essential to moving electricity from power plants to a household.

What are transformers, transmission lines, and distribution lines?


This is defined as the rate at which energy is transferred, or the work is completed. 

Hint: this is measured in Watts

Bonus 300 points: This is the formula for this rate of energy.

What is Power?

Bonus: What is P = IV

P is power (W), I is current (A), V is voltage (V)


This device, made up of semiconductors, generates electricity from the sun's photons.

What is a solar panel?


This refers to electricity being generated close to its point of use, rather than a centralized generation source (like a power plant).

What is distributed generation?


This refers to NASA's goal to cut out Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity by 100% by 2030

What is NASA's 2022 sustainability plan?


These are the four primary energy sources used in Virginia.

What is natural gas, motor gasoline, interstate electricity, and nuclear electric power?


This is the formula for calculating electrical power.

P = IV

P is "power"

I is "current"

V is "voltage"


These are the most common types of renewable energy (must name at least two).

What is Wind, Solar, Geothermal, and Hydropower?


This device converts mechanical energy into electricity.

What is a generator?


This refers to an electricity network that utilizes digital technology, sensors, and software to match the supply and demand of electricity in real time.

What is a smart grid?
