"Remember to keep holy the LORD's day" is what Commandment?
The 3rd commandment
What is the 7th Commandment?
You shall not steal
What is the first Commandment?
I am the LORD your God:you shall not have false gods before me.
What is the 8th Commandment?
Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
What is the 4th Commandment, list an example of BREAKING it.
Love your father and mother
Ex: Telling my parents I do not care about them.
Worshiping toys is an example of what?
The 1st commandment.
I killed my sisters spirit
Is an example of what?
5th commandment
What is the 5th commandment
You shall not kill
If I say the Lord's name in vain, what Commandment did I break.
The second comandment
what do the first 3 commandments state
how to love God
what is the 6th commandment
you shall not commit adultry
What Commandment is this: Do not covet your neighbor's wife.
9th Commandment
what is the tenth commandment
do not covet your neighbors goods
I don't go to church because of tennis
Breaking the 3rd commandment
Suprise!! This is the daily double question!
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