You take appple from the neighbors garden.
7th....You shall not steal.
You lie to your teacher.
8: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
We go to Church on Sunday to spend time with Our God. Which Commandment?
3: Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
You poison the dog next door who always barks at you.
5th: You shall not kill.
What did God use to write on the stone tables?
His finger
One day to go to church and worship God. Which Commandment does this refer to?
3rd.... Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.
You kick the dog so hard he becomes unconscious.
5: You shall not kill.
Two people are married. But someone goes out with another person.
6: You shall not commit adultery.
You shout out “Jesus Christ! What’s wrong with you!” when you find the neighbor has destroyed your football.
2nd: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
You say "Oh my God".
2nd Commandment: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
When you're jealous of another person for what they have, you are breaking which Commandment?
TENTH: You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
You think that money is the most important thing in the world.
First Commandment: I am the Lord your God: you shall not have any other gods before me.
You steal a dollar from your brother.
7: Thou shalt not steal
It’s Sunday and you go to the beach instead of church.
3rd: Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
What caused Moses to break the tablets on which the 10 Commandments were written?
People were worshipping idols
In what book of the Bible will you find the Ten Commandments?
We never want what is ours taken from us. Which Commandment?
7: You shall not steal.
Where was the Law given to Moses?
Mt Sinai
You take mangos from the neighbor's tree without asking.
7th: You shall not steal.
You disobey your mom.
4...honor thy father and thy mother
The boy down the street has a bike you really want so bad you think of stealing it.
10: Thou shall not covet
Your mother tells you to go sell for her but you go to your friends instead.
4: Honor your father and your mother.
In what were the ten commandments kept?
When we cheat, such as looking at another's test, which Commandment are we breaking?
7th: You shall not steal.
A friend wants you to worship their little dolls.
1st : I am the Lord your God, you will not have strange Gods before me