Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
When the Israelites entered the desert, what was their attitude like?
They whined and complained because they were thirsty and hungry.
What did Moses go to get from God on the mountain?
The 10 Commandments
Who is our only God? (1st Commandment)
Do the commandments say that we can hurt others? (6th Commandments)
No! We cannot bring harm to others.
What was the sea that Moses parted with God's help?
The Red Sea
What 2 food items did God provide for the Israelites in the desert?
Manna and quail
What did the Israelites create out of gold?
They created a golden calf.
Are we allowed to have idols? (2nd Commandment)
No, we cannot have idols.
Can you romantically love more than one person at a time? (7th Commandment)
No! We should be faithful to one person at a time.
What happened to the Egyptians when they tried to cross the sea?
The waters fell in on them and they drowned.
Could the Israelites save food the first 5 days of the week?
No, it would spoil!
What mountain did Moses meet God on?
Mount Sinai
What does "Do not take the Lord's name in vain" mean? (3rd Commandments)
Respect God's name and do not say inappropriate things.
No, the 10 Commandments say that we shall not steal.
Who helped Moses get the Israelites out of Egypt?
His brother, Aaron
Why did the Israelites save food on the sixth day of the week?
The seventh day of the week was a day of rest, so the Israelites could not work to gather food.
What is the name for a false god? (It starts with an "I")
What day are we to keep holy or rest on? (4th Commandment)
The Sabbath or Sunday
What does bear false witness mean? (9th Commandment)
You should not lie.
What plague caused Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
His firstborn son died.
What is the official name for the seventh day of rest? (It begins with the letter "s")
How many days did Moses meet with God on the mountain?
40 days
What people in our families are we supposed to love and respect? (5th Commandment)
Our parents (father and mother)
What does covet mean? (10 Commandment)
To be jealous of what others have.