The founder's date of birth and death of ascension.
27 Feb 1901 - 23 Jun 1974
Name the 3 virtues.
Gratitude, Acceptance of the Will of God, Humility
The English translation of Kyoren.
March and Drill
How many Okiyome points are there?
27 +1
How many points are there in the "Innermost Attitudes for Kamikumite"
Name 3 missions given to the founder.
Mission of Yo
What are the 3 conditions for Happiness?
Health, Harmony, Prosperity
Ken, Wa, Fu
The name of the Sukyo Mahikari Youth Group song.
Seiki no Asa (Dawn of a Holy Age)
What is the most important point?
(One of the two)
1. Back of Kidney Area8. Forehead
Name 3 names given to Oshienushisama.
Seishinsama, Koya, Koo
Hosse, Gyosse, Busse
The topic of the Youth Teachings for 2024.
Everything on Heaven and Earth is the Voice of God.
What point number is the Breast Area?
Apology and Gratitude
Name 5 names given to the founder.
Sukuinushisama, Yoshikazu, Kotama, Seigyoku, Seio
Gratitude, Compost, Positive words (Kotodama), True Light
What is Point number 15?
No name. The sides of the person
The 3 frame of mind (attitudes) for receiving the PC.
Set aside preconceived ideas, An accepting open mind, Heart of humility.
Name the 4 holy sites and the date they were inaugurated.
Suza, 3 Nov 1984
Hikaru Shinden, 23 Jun 1992
Hikaru Museum, 8 April 1999
Youth Hall, Aug 2002
What do the colours on the Goshinmon represent?
White, Green, Yellow - Heaven, Sky, Earth
Red - God-centered/ Spiritual Realm
Blue - Material realm
The purpose of Kyoren.
(Any 3)
To establish a correct attitude within the individual,
to build fluency in basic movements,
encourage morale,
carry out leader's intention under any circumstance,
maintaining firm unity anf harmony in all actions
What are 3 points to keep in mind while giving Light?
Hand 30cm away from the point, Innermost attitude of the Light penetrating through the body, Arm to be relaxed
What are the "two wheels of the cart" mentioned in the Primary Course?
True Light and Divine Teachings / Changing Innermost attitude