What are the biggest threats to sea otters?
Humans because of boat strikes oil spills and fishing gear entanglements.
Are otters affected by plastic pollution true or false?
What would happen if the sea otter population increases?
Decrease sea urchin populations.
How are otters beneficial to the economy?
Increasing ecotourism and helping maintain robust kelp forests.
Describe a sea otter?
They have webbed feet water repellent fur to keep them dry and warm and nostrils and ears that close in water.
What is the primary food source of sea otters?
Sea urchins crabs clams mussels octopus fish and otter marine invertebrates.
How can oil spills harm sea otters?
Destroys the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals.
What affects sea otter population?
Oil spills.
What is the economic significance of the sea otter?
Maintaining the health of productive kelp forests.
Do otters have a favorite rock?
Yes they have one to open their shellfish
How do sea otters affect biodiversity?
Critical to maintaining the balance of nearshore ecosystems such as kelp forests embayments and estuaries.
How does plastic ingestion affect sea otter health?
Eating plastic may lead to loss of nutrients internal injury intestinal blockage starvation and even death.
How can humans help keep otter population from declining?
One way to save sea otters is to protect their habitat.
How do otters have economic value?
Ecosystem benefits eco-tourism and existence values.
How fast can a sea otter swim?
5.6 mph maximum in the water