True or False: Adam named all the animals.
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of _________.
Name the first miracle Jesus performed.
Turning water into wine
Who is considered the Father of Israelites?
What city was Jesus born in?
Jesus had _______ disciples.
a) 12
Where does a rainbow appear in the Bible?
At the end of Noah's flood.
Who did Jesus raise from the dead after 4 days?
How many sons did Isaac have? Name them.
Esau and Jacob
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
Tell me something you know about Zaccheus
What are Psalms?
Songs (or poems).
Who walked on water with Jesus?
Who was known for interpreting dreams?
God created humans out of _____________.
How did the woman with the issue of blood get healed?
She touched the cloak of Jesus as he walked in a crowd.
Who was the wisest king to ever live?
King Solomon
Where did Mary and Joseph flee to after Herod ordered all boys be under 2 be killed?
Name one of the plagues of Egypt.
Blood in the water, frogs, locusts, darkness...
Name the 4 Gospels in the NT
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
When the paralytic was lowered through the roof to get to Jesus, what did Jesus do for him before telling him to get up and walk.
Forgave his sins
Who led the Israelites into the promised land after Moses died?
What name did Jesus give to Simon?