"We love the white cat(F)" and "I see the big person"
What are the English translations for the Russian phrases"мы любим белую кошку" and "Я вижу большого человека"?
bed, couch, rug, wall
What are the English words for the following: каровать, диван, ковёр, стена?
What is the English translation of the Russian phrase "я езжу в библотеку каждый день"?
What is "помочь"?
Я возьму. . . , мне пожалуйста. . . , дайте . . ., можно мне. . .
What are various ways of ordering food at a restaurant?
Not the "normal" form of a word, but a fully inflected case that has the meaning of something being the "doer" of the verb.
What is the nominative case?
sausage, eggs, bread, cheese
What are the English words for the following: колбаса, яйца, хлеб, сыр?
A phrase someone might say if she was running late, but wasn't actually late in the end.
What is "я опаздывала, но я не опаздала"?
The theme vowel "и" and the use of -ат instead of -ут in the third person plural form.
What are the main distinguishing factors of form II verbs from form I verbs?
What are the 7 letters?
My dog's pencil.
What is the English translation of the Russian phrase "карандаш моей собаки"?
pencil, pen, paper, notebook
What are the English words for the following: карандаш, ручка, бумага, тетрадь?
"we are having a lot of fun" and "you are all scared"
What are the English translations of the Russian phrases "нам очень весело" and "вам страшно"?
What are "покупать/купить"?
What is Joy's favorite Russian Word?
Used to mainly express indirect objects, but also for verb to like, as well as for emotions, and other less intuitive uses, the form is мне, тебе, ей, ему, нам, вам, им.
What are dative pronouns?
hot, cold, sunny, cloudy
What are the English words for the following: жаркий, холодный, солнечный, облачный?
"a textbook on organic chemistry"
What is the English translation of the Russian phrase "учебник по органической химии"?
The fully conjugated forms of the verbs "дать" and "есть"
дам, дашь, дасть, дадим, дадите, дадут and ем, ешь, есть, едим, едите, едят
prefixes, infixes, stem changes, lexical changes
What are ways of distinguishing verbal aspect?
"We were talking about our smart students."
What is the English translation of the Russian phrase "Мы говорили о наших умных студентах"?
What are the English words for the following: грустно, счастливо, смешно, скучно?
"I will run with you" and "I will write my exam with a pencil"
What are the English translations of the Russian phrases "я побегу с тобой" and "я напишу свой экзамен карандашом"?
What are "хотеть" and "мочь"?
Лес, шкаф, рот, пол
What are three words that have irregular prepositional singular declensions?