Music business lingo!
Who's job is this?
Show me the $
True or False

A form of business where only one person owns the business

What is Sole Proprietorship


They prepare a press release.



Person who gets your live performance into a recorded format.

What is an engineer?


Money gained from the public attending a performance.

What is ticket sales?


Once I have "made it" I'm set for life!

What is FALSE?

Sometimes "making it" can be like winning the lottery.  Right now you've got a steady gig/pay cheque so you live the big life, but when things get tough have you saved anything?  And now with now savings or income you also can't live the life that you are accustomed to.


A brand or trademark of music recordings or videos, like EMI or Deutche Grammophon.

What is a label?


They organize a concert, create a program, hire artists, book the venue and deal with logistics.

What is a producer?


Person who oversees the recording process and listens carefully.

What is a producer?


This enables an artist to continue to gain revenue from products they have already created.

What is copyright?


I need a record deal because being an indie artist limits my income.

What is FALSE?

Many indie artists are able to make as much or more than their peers who have signed, as they don't have as much money being taken off the top.


Document that includes information for a presenter, producer, stage manager or sound engineer to have prior to a show.

What is a technical rider or hospitality rider?


Administrator in charge of organizing and running a performance series, festival, or residency.

What is an Presenter?


The first version of your recording, or the "original" version that all others are duplicated from.

What is the master?


Money that is paid to an artist in the event that an album is repressed. 

What are residuals?


I don't need to know that business side of things, I will just hire someone for that.

What is FALSE? 

A manger is an asset for sure, but you need to stay in the driver seat of your own career to ensure that you are doing what you want and getting what you are owed.


A series of concerts, similar to a tour, but performed in one location.

What is a residency?


Books artists to perform at a variety of venues in exchange for a commission of the artists fee.

What is an booking agent?


The blending of recorded tracks to improve balance and blend of individual tracks.

What is mixing?


This money comes from an institution requiring a rigorous application process as well as a follow up document.

What are grants?


Vinyl sales are on the rise.

What is TRUE?

After largely being replaced by cassettes and CDs in the 1980s and 1990s, vinyl records are now making a comeback. Sales of vinyl climbed to more than $700 million in 2019, from a low of $36 million in 2006, reports the IFPI.


An agreement between an artist who has given a merchantable item to a vendor for future sale.

What is a consignment agreement?


Books performances for artists they have agreed to represent, whilst promoting their artists careers.

What is a manager?


The final process after editing is completed to create a professional quality recording.

What is mastering?


A term used to identify the appropriate sum for a service as set by the union.

What is scale?


Musicians earn over $30 an hour on average.

What is TRUE?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average pay of musicians and singers was $30.39 per hour, as of May 2019. A 2018 survey of more than 1,200 musicians in the United States found that 61% of musicians say that their music income isn’t enough to cover their bills.

