She ___ happy today.
A) Is
B) Are
A) Is
She is happy today.
Yesterday, my sandwich ___ stolen by a sneaky squirrel!
A) Was
B) Were
A) Was
Yesterday, my sandwich was stolen by a sneaky squirrel!
Why did the turkey join the band?
Because it had the drumsticks!
They _______ a pet unicorn that loves to dance.
A) Has
B) Have
B) Have
They have a pet unicorn that loves to dance.
The flower ___ pretty.
A) Looks
B) Sounds
A) Looks
The flower looks pretty.
They ___ my best friends.
A) Is
B) Are
B) Are
They are my best friends.
The cookies ___ all gone before I even took one!
A) Was
B) Were
B) Were
The cookies were all gone before I even took one!
Why was the broom late?
It swept in!
The giant _______ a castle made of candy.
A) Have
B) Has
The giant has a castle made of candy.
This ice cream ___ delicious!
A) Feels
B) Tastes
B) Tastes
This ice cream tastes delicious.
The dog ___ very fluffy.
A) Is
B) Are
B) Is
The dog is very fluffy.
The giant pancake ___ too big for my plate!
A) Was
B) Were
A) Was
The giant pancake was too big for my plate!
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear!
She _______ a talking parrot that loves to sing.
A) Have
B) Has
B) Has
She has a talking parrot that loves to sing.
The trash ___ bad.
A) Smells
B) Looks
A) Smells
The trash smells bad.
The flowers ___ beautiful in the spring.
A) Is
B) Are
B) Are
The flowers are beautiful in the spring
My shoes ___ missing this morning, but I found them in the fridge!
A) Was
B) Were
B) Were
My shoes were missing this morning, but I found them in the fridge!
Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?
It ran out of juice!
The zoo _______ a zebra that can do cartwheels.
A) Has
B) Have
A) Has
The zoo has a zebra that can do cartwheels.
The leaves ___ orange in fall.
A) Feel
B) Turn
B) Turn
The leaves turn orange in fall.
The chickens ___ having a secret meeting in the backyard.
A) Is
B) Are
B) Are
The chickens are having a secret meeting in the backyard.
The chairs in the classroom ___ dancing when no one was looking.
A) Was
B) Were
A) Were
The chairs in the classroom were dancing when no one was looking.
What is a cat’s favorite color?
We _______ a spaceship ready to take off!
A) Has
B) Have
B) Have
We have a spaceship ready to take off!
The flowers ______ overnight.
A) Smelled
B) Grew
B) Grew
The flowers grew overnight.