History Homicide Investigator

How many faces does an icosahedron have? Hint: you'll get a good "score" if you get it right.







Jesus asked which disciple three times if he loved him?




 Simon Peter

Answer: Simon Peter


This state is the second largest in the USA and is bordered by several states including Oklahoma and New Mexico. Which state is it?





Answer: Texas


On Friday, November 22, 1963, police patrolman J. D. Tippitt was shot and killed while questioning a possible crime suspect, while standing near his marked police vehicle. His suspected killer was arrested for the crime, but was never tried or convicted for the crime in a court of law. Who allegedly shot Officer J. D. Tippitt?

 Jack Ruby

 James Hunter Smith

 William Davis Douglas

 Lee Harvey Oswald

Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald


'12 Angry Men' (1957) is the story of 12 male jurors reaching their verdict on a murder case. Initially juror no. 8 refuses to vote 'guilty' and finally convinces them all there is 'reasonable doubt' the accused committed the murder. Who played the persuasive juror no. 8?

 Henry Fonda

 Ed Begley

 Jack Klugman

 Lee J Cobb

Answer: Henry Fonda


Which of these islands is not geographically part of the Caribbean? Hint: it's the only one which is a British Overseas Territory.


 Puerto Rico



Answer: Bermuda


 Which of these men was not thrown into the blazing furnace?





Answer: Daniel


This state is remembered by young children as MI crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I humpback humpback I. It is bordered by Alabama and Tennessee.

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Mississippi


John Lennon, one of the world's most famous musical talents, was shot and killed as he returned to his residence in New York, after completing a recording session. Which deranged fan was arrested at the scene for the murder of Lennon?

 Mark David Chapman

 Joshua Anthony Mason

 James Earl Ray

 James Earl Jones

Answer: Mark David Chapman


'A Man and a Woman' [Un Homme et un Femme] (1966) was a French film, Oscar and Cannes winner. Plot is widower with young son meets widow with young daughter. They fall in love, part and re-unite. What reason did the director give for the film not being shot totally in colour?

 US distributor wanted an 'arty' film

 Financial reasons

 During editing three colour reels were damaged

 As a creative effect

Answer: Financial reasons


Magnesium Sulphate is often dissolved in water as a muscle relaxant, and is commonly known by what name?

 Epsom salts

 Table sugar

 Baking soda

 Fuller's earth

Answer: Epsom salts


What did Jesus use to feed the five thousand?

 Four loaves and three fish

 Five loaves and two fish

 Seven loaves and twelve fish

 Five thousand loaves and two hundred fish

Answer: Five loaves and two fish


This mitten state is surrounded by the Great Lakes. To the south are Indiana and Ohio.



 New York


Answer: Michigan


One of the founding fathers of the United States of America, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, died as a result of a gunshot wound on July 12, 1804. Who fired the bullet that ended the life of Alexander Hamilton?

 Benedict Arnold

 Aaron Burr

 Steph Hopkins

 James Madison

Answer: Aaron Burr


For his role as a U.S. Navy sailor in 'The Sand Pebbles' (1966), this late box office star received his only Oscar nomination. Who am I discussing?

 Warren Beatty

 Clint Eastwood

 Steve McQueen

 Robert Duvall

Answer: Steve McQueen


How fast is the speed of light?

 136,000 miles per second

 186,000 miles per second

 156,000 miles per second

 158,000 miles per second

Answer: 186,000 miles per second


Jesus said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and ..." What else do these blessed people do?

 Hide it

 Obey it

 Ignore it

 Mock it

Answer: Obey it


This state is home to the largest naval port in the world. There is a west one of this state also. It is bordered by North Carolina and Kentucky. What state is it?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Virginia


The 25th President of the USA, William McKinley, was shot at point blank range by a gunman as he greeted guests at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York, on September 5, 1901. Who was convicted of the shooting murder of McKinley?

 Charles J. Guiteau

 Leon Czolgosz

 Gilbert O'Sullivan

 Marcus Damon Cosmos

Answer: Leon Czolgosz


Grammy award winning singer Peggy Lee supplied voices for four of the cast in which animated classic Disney production?

 Lady and the Tramp (1955)

 Peter Pan (1953)

 Alice in Wonderland (1951)

 Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Answer: Lady and the Tramp (1955)


 Which of these biblical books is often described as a love song?

 One Corinthians



 Song of Solomon

Answer: Song of Solomon


Who did Jesus say would disown him three times?





Answer: Peter


Which of these states is not preceded by "New"?





Answer: Carolina


On Sunday morning, November 24, 1963, during a live television broadcast, Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, was himself shot and killed in the basement of Dallas Police Department Headquarters, while he was being transferred (in handcuffs) to a more secure holding facility. Who was shown on television as he shot Oswald at point blank range, to the shock of dozens of police and press officials present for the event?

 Clay Shaw

 Jack Ruby

 Lee Bauer

 David Ferrie

Answer: Jack Ruby


'In the Heat of the Night' (1967) tells of an Afro-American detective from the north who gets involved in helping local police solve a murder in a small Mississippi town. Who sang the song of the same title on the film's soundtrack?

 Brook Benton

 Ray Charles

 Aretha Franklin

 Otis Redding

Answer: Ray Charles


 What area of science covers the study of living organisms?





Answer: Biology


What was the name of the prisoner that the crowd wanted to release instead of Jesus?





Answer: Barabbas


Which of these states does Historic Route 66 not go through?





Answer: Colorado


Chicago Mayor Anton J. Cermak was shot and killed during an assassination attempt on the life of U.S. President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami, Florida. Who was tried and convicted for the murder of Cermak?

 Timothy J. McCarthy

 Gary Gilmore

 Vitto Scotti

 Giuseppe Zangara

Answer: Giuseppe Zangara


 It has been widely quoted that Noel Coward once said to Peter O'Toole, "If you had been any prettier, it (a major film) would have been ______________." What was Noel's quip?

 Goodbye Mistress Chips

 Florence of Arabia

 The Lioness in Winter

 Lady Jim

Answer: Florence of Arabia


During what decades did World War II take place?

 1910s and 1920s

 1930s and 1940s

 1950s and 1960s

 1880s and 1890s

Answer: 1930s and 1940s


How many "Gods" were the children of Israel commanded to have in Exodus?




 As many as they liked

Answer: One


Interstate 40 begins in this west coast state and ends in this east coast state. Which two states are they?

 California, North Carolina

 California, Virginia

 Oregon, Pennsylvania

 Washington, Georgia

Answer: California, North Carolina


Many feel that the bright lights of the future of the United States were dimmed on June 5, 1968 with the assassination of U.S. Senator, and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy. The accused gunman was immediately captured at the scene in Los Angeles, California. Who was convicted and sent to prison for committing the crime?

 Charles "Tex" Watson

 Charles Manson

 Sirhan B. Sirhan

 Richard Rodriguez

Answer: Sirhan B. Sirhan


'On the Beach' (1959) depicts the probable result of all out nuclear war, focusing on the actions of the people in the last major city functioning on Earth. Most accept that they have not long to live as nuclear fall-out drifts toward them. Name the city in question.

 Punta Arenas, Chile

 Hobart, Australia

 Melbourne, Australia

 Christchurch, New Zealand

Answer: Melbourne, Australia


Who worked on the incandescent light bulb with his team at Menlo Park?

 Thomas Edison


 Benjamin Franklin

 Donald Trump

Answer: Thomas Edison


Where did Mary place her firstborn son?





Answer: Manger


How many states are there with a "New" in front?





Answer: 4


While campaigning for the office of President of the United States, Democratic candidate George Wallace was shot in Laurel, Maryland on May 15, 1972. Who fired the bullets that critically wounded George Wallace?

 James Earl Jones

 Arthur Bremer

 Stokley Carmichael

 Peter Dixon

Answer: Arthur Bremer


 'Kind Hearts and Coronets' (1949), a BAFTA nominated film, tells the story of how an Englishman successfully plots to remove all his relatives ahead of him in line to a Dukedom. He succeeds but there is an ironic twist at the end. One versatile actor played all eight relatives. Who was this versatile person?

 Peter Sellers

 David Niven

 Alec Guinness

 Dennis Price

Answer: Alec Guinness


 Approximately what number is pi equal to?





Answer: 3.14


What did King Solomon ask God to give him?

 Long life

 Wisdom and knowledge


 A pony

Answer: Wisdom and knowledge


Which of these is not a state that borders Canada?





Answer: Massachusetts


Residents of the city of San Francisco, California were shocked on November 27, 1978 to learn of a shooting at their City Hall that claimed the lives of the city mayor, and a member of the city's Board of Supervisors. Who was responsible for committing these heinous murders?

 Dan White

 Dianne Feinstein

 Joseph Alioto

 Leo Ryan

Answer: Dan White


With 11 Oscar nominations, this 1968 musical (filmed in the U.K.) certainly qualifies as a 'classic'. It's a good thing the juvenile lead wasn't an Oscar recipient as he may have been asked to sing at the awards, something that would have caused some embarrassment as he was allegedly 'tone deaf and arrhythmic'. What was this film called?

 Paint Your Wagon

 Hello Dolly

 The Sound of Music


Answer: Oliver!


What are the axes of a 3D cartesian graph most commonly called?

 A, B, C

 X, Y, Z

 L, W, H

 1, 2, 3

Answer: X, Y, Z


 Who tried to kill Jesus not long after he was born?

 John the Baptist

 The wise men



Answer: Herod


Which of the following sets of islands (in the Americas) is not entirely under the government control of the United States?

 The Keys


 Virgin Islands

 Channel Islands (west of California)

Answer: Virgin Islands


An assassination attempt was made on the life of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, as he left a Washington D.C hotel on March 30, 1981. Who was the deranged gunman who critically wounded Reagan and three other men on that fateful day?

 Oswald Harvey Lee

 John W. Hinckley

 James Brady

 Oscar R. Swoboda

Answer: John W. Hinckley


This 1953 film is the tale of a Princess who escapes her regal duties while visiting a foreign capital. She is befriended by an American journalist and shown the city's sites. Intending to exploit the friendship, the journalist has second thoughts as they fall in love. However their love cannot be and the Princess returns to her 'normal' duties. What is the film's title?

 Paris Vacation

 Bonn Voyage

 London Tour

 Roman Holiday

Answer: Roman Holiday
