General Information
Pricing and Digital Copies

Is 1099 gross or net income?

Gross Income!


What is the cost for 1099s batch?

$25 per batch + $4.25 per form


Why is it giving the wrong amount for this rental owner/vendor? How do we help the customer?

Review an income statement for a rental owner, or a vendor ledger for the vendor to determine where the amount is coming from.


The amount to report for 1099s is not subtracting the management fees and expenses. It's not giving me the correct amount.

1099 tracks gross income (prior to expenses) not net income (after expenses).


Is there a way to exclude rental owners from 1099s?

  1. Navigate to Rentals > Rental owners.
  2. Click the name of the rental owner you want to exclude.
  3. From the rental owner's summary page, click Add next to the 1099-MISC Tax Filing section.
  4. Select the checkbox to Exclude from 1099, then click Save.

What is the deadline for submitting 1099s?

Jan. 31, at noon


What is the cost for archive copies?

$1.10 per archive copy


I paid a vendor $400 last year, do I need to send a 1099?

No, only if you paid a vendor more than $600


My owner/vendor never received the 1099 in the mail. What do I do?

This happens from time to time - the US Postal Service is responsible for delivering these mailings. The customer should order reprints.


I forgot to enter an email address when eFiling, so my owner did not receive the digital copy. Can I resubmit just the free digital copy?

No, the digital copy can only be sent along with the paper copy at this time.


Who is the 1099 payer?

A 1099 payer is the entity that files a 1099-MISC form with the IRS.

Synonyms include "my property management company", me, or my association.


How much does the digital copy cost?

The digital copy is included with the price of the batch and form. No additional cost.


Does a vendor refund affect the amount reported to the IRS for 1099s?

Yes, entering a refund from a vendor on the vendor ledger will reduce the 1099 taxable income.


I need to reactivate properties in order to run an income statement, can you please give me a unit increase?

Customers no longer need to have an increase to their units to reactivate properties, because the 1099s and the income statement can calculate money for all active and inactive properties.

Can I reprint only archive copies and not send new copies to the owner?

No, archive copies must be ordered along with recipient copies. However, you could order recipient copies and choose to ship them to yourself.


How do I edit the amounts displayed?

Simply click into the box to edit the amounts on the "edit amounts" page of the 1099 workflow.


Can I just submit the free digital copy without paying for the paper copies?

Not at this time. This is a limitation of our processor and the required regulations to remain in compliance.


Some of the money I paid to a vendor its not income, it’s reimbursement. How do I omit this?

The IRS says that even money that is considered to be reimbursable should be on the 1099. The vendor can deduct that money as an expense on another tax form, such as the Schedule C or similar.


Why can't I print my 1099s?

We do not offer this option to print the 1099s at this time. The product we offer only allows you to eFile. If you want submit a paper copy of the 1099s, you may gather the numbers and file by running income statements and vendor ledger reports.


Will digital copies still go to recipients if I choose to ship the paper copies myself or the payer?

No, they will not.


Are you hosting a webinar for 1099s?

Yes, on January 09, 2025 @ 12 noon


What is the cost for reprints?

$4.25 per form


How do I allocate 1099 income for multiple owners?

Edit the ownership percentage on a property. Buildium will automatically allocate the income for each owner based on the ownership percentage. For more info, check out "Ownership percentages for properties with multiple owners" help article.


I can't find my rental owner in the list of recipients.

There are 3 groups on the select recipient page (confirm if they are one of these three):

  • Those who have tax information in the system and have been paid more than $600 for the tax year
  • Those who have no tax information, but have been paid more than $600 for the tax year
  • Everyone else

How do I obtain and file my 1096 form?

If you e-File through Buildium, the 1096 form is not required. The 1096 is a cover sheet that tells the IRS how many paper forms are included in the box when you mail in your batch of 1099-MISC forms. Because we're filing electronically, the computer does the count automatically and the 1096 is not needed.
