feel or show great joy or delight
Where was Frederick Douglass born?
Holme Hill Farm in Talbot county, Maryland
He would trade food to poor white boys for lessons
Brute: Savage
Someone that is foreign or not from the place being considered often used to describe extraterrestrial beings or outsiders a savagely violent person or animal
When is Ms. Saenz birthday?
November 23
involving or committing sacrilege
What happened between Frederick and his mother?
They got separated at a young age
In 1833, who did Frederick get leased to?
Edward Covey
Ciphering: Secret
put (a message) into secret writing; encode
What does Ms. Saenz coach?
Volleyball, Basketball, & Track
a special anniversary of an event, especially one celebrating twenty-five or fifty years of a reign or activity.
What was special about Frederick’s mother?
She could read
What is Edward Covey known for & what does it mean?
He’s a slave breaker: someone who abusedslaves physically & psychologically to make them more compliant.
Obdurate: Stubborn
stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
What is Ms. Saenz's favorite snack?
Hot chips
address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment
When he was moved to Colonel Lloyd's plantation at 5/6 years old, what was Frederick's responsibility?
To take care of Thomas, Sophia & Hugh Auld's son.
What does it mean that a slave was leased/hired out?
Farmers pay slaveholders a monthly fee for slaves & take responsibilty over their care.
Stolid: Impassive
calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
What band was Ms. Saenz obssessed with in junior high?
One Direction
split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain
Sophia Auld taught him while teaching her children & Hugh stopped her because he said it will spoil him & it was also forbidden to teach the enslaved how to read/write.
What did Douglass do only 6 months into working for Covey?
Douglass & Covey fought for 2 hours
Disparity: Inconsistency
a difference in level or treatment, especially one that is seen as unfair.
What is the #1 that makes Ms. Saenz upset/angry?
When a student is trying to talk to her while she is busy with another student.