1) What is weather?
2) What is climate?
1) condition of the atmosphere in a short period of time?
2) Condition of the atmosphere in a long period of time?
2) How long does it take to make one full rotation on the axis?
1) Imaginary line that runs through Earth
2) 24 hours
Where is the San Andreas Fault?
1) What is the highest point on Earth?
2) What country is it located in?
1) Mt. Everest
2) Nepal
What is the hydrosphere
All of Earth's water
What does landlocked mean?
Country that does not border a sea or ocean
Which areas recieve little direct sunlight year-round?
High latitudes
What is equinox?
Where day and night are equal
What is the tallest mountain in North America?
What mountains are the world's longest?
What is permafrost?
Permanently frozen soil
What is an archipelago?
Chain/group of islands
What are prevailing winds?
Winds that blow in constant patterns
1) What lies at 23.5 degrees North?
2) What line runs east and west and has a degree of 0
3) What line runs north and south and has a degree of 0
1) Tropic of cancer
2) Equator
3) Prime Meridian
1) What is the tallest mountain range in North America?
2) What is the oldest mountain range in North America?
1) Rocky
2) Appalachian
What is the largest rain forest in the world?
What is continental drift?
Theory that continents drift
What is an armistice?
A cease-fire agreement
1) What is the rainshadow?
2) What are the two sides of the rainshadow?
1) Where mountains block rain from going inland
2) Leeward (dry side), Windward (wet side)
Why is the greenhouse effect necessary to life?
Without it, to cold for life
What is the lowest point in North America?
Death Valley
What body of water is the saltiest on Earth?
Dead sea
What is cartography?
Making of maps
What is bilingual?
Speaking two or more languages
What are the three parts of the water cycle?
1) Precipitation
2) Evaporation
3) Condensation
What country is the largest in South America?
What is the oldest mountain range in North America?
Appalachian mountains
What river is the longest in the world?
What is desalination?
Process of turning saltwater into freshwater
1) What is a tributary?
2) What are monsoons?
1) Smaller rivers flow into bigger rivers
2) Seasonal winds that bring rain in Asia
What is a tsunami?
Large waved caused by an earthquake
What are the five oceans?
1) Indian
2) Pacific
3) Atlantic
4) Artic
5) Antartic
What is North America's longest river?
2) What is the famous plains in Europe
1) Alps
2) Northern European Plain
1) What are lines of Latitude
2) What are lines of Longitude
1) Lines that run east and west but measure north and south
2) Lines that run north and south, but measure east and west
What are stocks?
Part ownership of a company
What period did Europe enter after the collapse of the Roman Empire?
Middle ages
1) What is the holy book of Christianity?
2) What is the holy book of Islam?
1) Bible
2) Quran
What are two official languages of Canada?
What two rivers does the Fertile Crescent lie between?
What is a monopoly?
Company has total control of an industry
What does a Constitution do?
Basic plan that sets up the government and principles
What are the crusades?
Holy wars between Christians and Muslims
What are Oases?
Small ponds scattered throughout deserts
What is secular?
After WW2, what line of latitude was North and South Korea divided?
38th parallel
1) What is a trade surplus?
2) What is a trade deficit?
1) Country earns more from exports than imports
2) Country spends more on imports than exports
What three regions make up Latin America?
Middle/Central America
South America