Course Description
Classwork & Homework
Labs & Projects
Tests & Quizzes

What does "biology" mean?

The study of life


Can you do well in this class if you never do homework?

Probably not. You should plan to complete homework assignments and spend some time studying.


How can you earn an automatic zero (0) on a lab, project, or any other assignment?

Cheat. Copying answers from an answer key posted online is plagiarism and will earn an automatic zero (no makeups) and a referral.


Where can I find study guides?

Study guides and reference materials will be handed out on paper, and will be posted in Google Classroom.


What should you do when you first walk in the classroom?

1. Take any handouts

2. Sit down at your seat

3. Check the Do-Now


What is an organ?

A collection of tissues working together to perform a specific function in a multicellular organism.


How long do you have after an excused absence to turn in work for full credit?

Work must be turned in within two weeks (including the shop week!) to receive full credit.


What should you do if you are absent the day a lab or group project is completed in class?

See the teacher as soon as you return to class about how you can make up the participation portion of the assignment. You might need to stay after school for full credit.


Can you use notes on quizzes or tests?

Students will sometimes be allowed to use certain notes on quizzes (these will be announced ahead of time). For unit exams, the midterm, and the final exam, students may use a self-created reference sheet.


What should you do if you use the Internet/Google/AI to help you with an assignment?

Make a note on the assignment saying what resource you used, and how.

Make sure you read the Internet and AI policy.


Name the monomer of one of the following organic molecules:

- carbohydrate

- protein

- lipid

- nucleic acid

- carbohydrate: monosaccharide sugar

- protein: amino acid

- lipid: fatty acid

- nucleic acid: nucleotide


Will you earn credit (and how much credit) for late homework assignments?


70% if it is completed in class during the review

50% if it is later than that, any time until the end of term.


How much can you earn on a lab or project turned in late? How can you avoid a late penalty on a lab?

If a lab is turned in late without any communication with the teacher, it can earn up to 70%. If you reach out to the teacher about needing to stay after for help before the due date, you will not receive a late penalty.


What do you do if you are absent the day of a quiz or test?

Be prepared to take the quiz the day you return. Reach out to the teacher to schedule a time to stay after school or take the quiz during a study hall.


What is the bathroom sign-out procedure?

(See sign) Key point: You can put your name on the whiteboard without asking, but check with a teacher before you actually leave.


Define or describe one of the following sets of words:

- Predator, prey

- Herbivore, omnivore, carnivore

- Water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

(Many correct answers)

How often is homework handed in? Where should it be handed in?

Homework will usually be checked by teachers circulating while students work. It will rarely be handed in. Homework should only be turned in to the basket or directly to a teacher when requested.

You are working on a lab or project at home and realize you are unable to complete it independently. What should you do?

Contact the teacher by email and schedule a time to receive help after school.


What should you do if you're doing poorly on tests and quizzes?

You can get a good grade in this class even if you test poorly, but you may struggle on the MCAS. If you're having trouble with tests and quizzes, you're encouraged to stay after to review and get extra help.


What behaviors will lower your participation grade?

Cell phone violation; disrupting others' learning; being disrespectful of peers or staff; frequently missing important materials; unexcused absences; excessive time out of class.

What is cellular respiration?

A process performed in all cells, particularly in the mitochondria of eukaryotes, that converts glucose to chemical energy in the form of ATP.


How can you earn 100% on homework/classwork assignments?

Make a genuine attempt on all assigned parts of the assignment. Highlight or write questions if you do not know an answer (don't write IDK).


What makes a lab or project different from a homework/classwork assignment?

Homework/classwork assignments will usually be completed independently, and be one-day assignments. Labs and projects will usually have an in-class portion with a group, and an at-home follow-up portion to complete.


What is MCAS?

A cumulative assessment of your learning from 9th and 10th grade, and currently a graduation requirement.


What is "The Duck," and what should you do when you hear it?

An alarm that will go off 2 minutes before the end of class. This is your cue to pack up your materials. Do NOT pack up early unless you have an accommodation to leave class early.