What is the best selling book of all time?
The Bible
Revelation means bringing _________ things to the ____________.
Dark. Light.
Is one hundred percent certainty necessary for knowledge?
A(n) _____________ truth claim makes a claim of fact about the personal beliefs of an individual.
Christians claim that the Bible is _____________________ which means the God used the Biblical writers to communicate exactly what He wanted and yet did so without overriding their personalities.
Divinely Inspired
The Bible is comprised of _____ books and written over approximately 1,500 years by around ______ different authors.
66. 40.
General revelation
A(n) ___________ truth claim makes a claim of fact about the independent world.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."
2 Timothy 3:16
The Bible is most accurately described as a story about God and what _________________________.
He has done.
God revealing Himself through the Bible, the person of Jesus, and prophecy.
Special revelation
Christians believe that through ______________ God has revealed aspects of Himself that everyone can know.
The fact that something corresponds to __________ is what makes a belief, thought, or statement true.
Our recognition of the Bible's __________ does not affect the Bible's inherent possession of ____________
A saving knowledge of Christ comes only through which type of revelation?
Special revelation
You must believe it
The belief you hold must be ___________
The true belief must be justified or supported by adequate evidence
The belief that truth, knowledge, and morality are relative to the individual, society, or historical context
The ___________________________ helped to demonstrate that scribes have accurately copied biblical texts over time.
Dead Sea Scrolls
It is most accurate to say the Bible _____________ God's word.
The origin of the Christian religion is found in ________.
Revelation, not evolution.
______________ is the philosophical belief that all knowledge comes solely through the scientific method
A _______________________ truth claim is a statement that attempts to affirm two opposite propositions at the same time and in the same sense.
self-refuting truth claim
Although there have been some errors in the _____________ of the Bible, the essential doctrines of the faith have been transmitted reliably.