He led the Russian Revolution and established the Soviet Union.
Who is Vladimir Lenin?
A mob in Paris attacked a fortress, starting the French Revolution.
What is the Storming of the Bastille?
A single leader with unlimited power over the state
What is Dictatorship?
This event sparked the war.
What is the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
The title of the ruler of Russia before the Revolution.
What is the Tsar?
He became Emperor of France after the French Revolution.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
A period where thousands of people were executed as enemies of the Revolution.
What is the Reign of Terror?
All citizens vote on every law passed in the state.
What is Direct Democracy?
The four "M.A.I.N." causes of the war.
What are Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism?
The name of the Russian communists who took power during the Revolution.
Who are the Bolsheviks?
Wrote the graphic novel "Maus."
Who is Art Spiegelman?
A machine used to execute people during the Revolution.
What is the Guillotine?
Citizens elect leaders to pass laws.
What is Representative Democracy?
The treaty that ended the war.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
The two sides in the Russian Civil War (hint - they are colors).
Who are the Reds and the Whites?
Wrote a book called "The Communist Manifesto".
Who is Karl Marx?
The year the French Revolution started.
What is 1789?
A king or queen controls the state with unlimited power.
What is Absolute Monarchy?
The name of the protagonist of "All Quiet on the Western Front."
Who is Paul Bäumer?
The two separate revolutions that occurred in Russia in 1917 (hint - months).
What are the February and October Revolutions?
French Revolutionary figure who was kicked in the face by a bull as a kid.
Who is Georges Danton?
Slave colony in the Caribbean where a separate revolution broke out.
What is Haiti? (Or - what is the Haitian Revolution?)
Religious leaders are in control of the government.
What is Theocracy?
The date that the fighting stopped.
What is November 11, 1918?
The three promises that the communists made to the Russian people.