He wrote the book "The Old Man and the Sea", a story about a Cuban fisherman who is unlucky at fishing and finally catches a fish that turns out to be more than he can handle.
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
A coming-of-age story written by S.E. Hinton about rival gangs and those that wish to break the stereotypes put upon them by others.
What is "The Outsiders"?
The 5 parts of the long composition.
What is the Introductory Paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and Concluding Paragraph?
A character in a work of literature that you have read in or out of school that changes as a result of a particular event.
Who is Santiago from The Old Man and the Sea? Who is Peak from Peak? Who is Brian from Hatchet? Who is Arnold from The Absolutely True Story of a Part-time Indian?
Who are three (3) important characters in the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton and describe them.
Who are Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darrel?
He wrote "Peak", a coming-of-age story about a 14 year-old boy who climbs Mount Everest with the help of his father that he has seen for the first time in 8 years.
Who is Roland Smith?
The coming-of-age novel by Gary Paulson of boy who learns to survive and overcome adversity in the wilderness alone and in the process learns about himself and to forgive those that he loves.
What is "Hatchet"?
Strategies used when answering multiple choice questions in the reading comprehension section.
What is to first read the italics before the excerpt and read the questions? What is read the questions first? What is eliminate an answer? What is use a highlighter to highlight important details?
A character in a work of literature that you have read in or out of school that demonstrates responsibility or lack of responsibility.
Who is Peak? Who is Brian? Who is Santiago? Who is Parvana? Who is Arnold? Who is Darrel?
These are two (2) main characters from "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian" by Sherman Alexie that had a close relationship tested by the decision of one characters and in the end the friendship remained.
Who are Arnold (Junior) and Rowdy?
He wrote a story about a teenage native american named Junior living on the Spokane Indian reservation beset by alcoholism and proverty who had big dreams and goals.
Who is Sherman Alexi?
A novel written by Sherman Alexie about a native amercan boy who overcomes obstacles and adversity to follow his dreams and goals of one day getting off his reservation and starting a new life.
What is "The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian"?
Things to include in an open response answer in the reading section of MCAS.
What are the title and author? What is restate the question into your answer? What are quotes with supporting relevant and specific information from the excerpt? What is "if you use a quotation, explain a quotation"?
A character in a work of literature that could be considered to be heroic and why he/she could be considered heroic.
Who is....Parvana? Santiago? Ponyboy/Johnny? Brian? Junior (Arnold)? Anyone else?
This is a character who is stranded in the Canadian wilderness after his plane crashes in a pond and has to learn to survive on his own for three months.
Who is Brian Robeson from "Hatchet" by Gary Paulson?
She wrote about life in Afghanistan under the rule of the oppressive Taliban and those who dare to risk their lives to save the ones they love.
Who is Debrah Ellis?
A novel written by Ernest Hemingway featuring the main character Santiago battling nature, old age and himself in order to prove he can once again become a great fisherman.
What is "The Old Man and the Sea"?
Get plenty of sleep the night before, eat a big breakfast, be on time, bring in food, take a lot of breaks during the test, use all the accomodations that are given to you.
What are some steps and strategies that can be used to assist in being successful when the MCAS exam?
A character in a work of literature that you have read in or out of school that changes because of a particular event.
Who is...... Peak? Brian? Junior (Arnold)? Santiago? Another character?
Who dressses like a boy to evade the Taliban and to take care of her family in war-torn Afghanistan?
Who is Parvana from the novel "The Breadwinner" by Debrah Ellis?
He wrote story set in the early 1960's about two rival gangs of teenagers, the Greasers and the Socs, and how through hate and death, relationships and maturity blossom.
Who is S.E. Hinton?
In this novel by Roland Smith, the main character makes selfish, poor decisions and eventually gets forced into climbing the tallest mountain on Earth. It is during this time he realizes that what is most important are those that are the closest to him.
What is "Peak"?
Things to include in the first paragraph of the long composition.
What is 1. restating the question (prompt), 2. naming the novel's title and author, 3. briefly summarize the story in 4-6 sentences. 4. state the 3 supporting reasons you're going to address the prompt in the composition?
A character in a work of literature that you have read in or out of school that makes a difficult decision.
Who is..... Parvana? Peak? Brian? Junior (Arnold)? Ponyboy/Johnny? Santiago?
These two chararcters had a father/son relationship and took care of each other even though they were not allowed to fish together.
Who were Santiago and Manolin from the novel "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway?