The study of God and His Word
Supporting a conclusion based on a Bible passage taken out of context
The 4th step of doctrinal formation is relating Scripture to its larger storyline, also known as Biblical Theology. What are the three points of the Bible’s larger storyline?
Creation, Fall, Redemption
What is the ultimate motivation for learning doctrine?
Loving God
Who is the best Bible teacher at SCS
You already know
The study of how to defend the faith against accusations
Twisting God’s grace to excuse one’s lawless disregard of God’s requirements for moral living
What is the first step in the doctrinal formation process?
Read the Bible and observe what the passage says.
A person cannot love God without __________ Him
Name two subcategories of systematic theology
The Word of God
The Son of God
The Spirit of God
God’s Creation
Salvation Provided by God
The Triumph of God
The People of God
The study of how the big story of the Bible unfolds
Biblical Theology
Adhering rigidly to external regulations of human tradition in order to achieve a higher standing with God
What is the name of the 5th step in the doctrinal formation process, where we compare other believer’s conclusions of a passage or topic?
Historical Theology
The ability to spot doctrinal error requires a firm grasp of _________ doctrine.
Someone who is preoccupied with one biblical truth while ignoring other important biblical truths has what is known as a _________
The study of how Christians over time have developed an understanding of the Bible’s claims
Historical Theology
Reading out of a Bible passage what the author intended to communicate
The 7th step in doctrinal formation is applying your beliefs and values, also known as what?
Practical Theology
Christians should use ________ and ________ when studying doctrine because God gave us the ability to reason and draw conclusions from His Word
A serious error that a true Christian cannot willfully and knowingly follow
The study of theology that organizes data into logical categories based on major Bible topics
Systematic Theology
Reading one’s own ideas back into the text of Scripture
The art and science of Biblical interpretation. Also the second step in the doctrinal formation process
A doctrine is a _________ resulting from a process of reasoning, based on _________ data or logical inference from _________ data, that answers pressing questions.
The benefits of organizing our knowledge of Scripture are clarity, consistency, and conciseness. Consistency, in this context, means…
Avoiding any incoherent and self-contradictory thinking