The knot displayed on a badge on every Scout's uniform.
What is Reef Knot?
Easily combustible items, such as dried leaves, pine needles or small twigs, used for starting a fire.
What is Tinder?
(Kindling is slightly bigger and the next thing to add to keep the flames burning.)
Scout's Motto
What is "Be Prepared"?
0 degrees
What is North?
The Founder of Scouting
Who is Lord Baden-Powell?
(Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell)
Lashing used to bind parallel poles together to extend their length together, often done to build a mast or flag pole.
what is round lashing?
The 4 permits on camping skills Scouts may earn, usually while camping with senior Scouts.
What are the knife permit, the axe and saw permit, the stove and lantern permit, and the fire permit?
The 14th word in the current English Canadian Scout Law.
What is "wise"?
270 degrees
What is West?
The occupation of the Founder of Scouting before starting Scouting.
What is a soldier (Lieutenant-General in the British military)?
The knot typically tied to start or end lashing
What is clove hitch?
The baggy fabric that burns and glows in a gas lantern.
What is a mantle?
The 33rd word in the current English Canadian Scout Promise
What is "spirit"?
135 degrees
What is Southeast?
In August 1907, the Founder of Scouting took about 20 youths on a camping trip at this place in southern England, now considered the first ever Scout Camp.
Where/What is Brownsea Island?
A lashing to bind perpendicular sticks together
What is Square Lashing?
A common gas fuel for a portable or camping stove
What is Propane / Butane / Isobutane?
A ring of leather (or other materials, fabric, even a rope!) that holds a neckerchief in place around a Scout's neck.
What is a woggle?
225 degrees
What is Southwest?
The Founder of Scouting observed how useful well-trained youths could become during this 1899-1900 battle in present-day South Africa, prompting him to write the book "Scouting for Boys" and subsequently starting the Scouting Movement.
What is the Siege of Mafeking (Mahikeng)?
This knot is often used to join two ropes of different thicknesses.
What is Sheet Bend?
The one part of a tick that the tweezer should be applied to when removing the tick sucking your blood.
What is the tick's head (or mouth)?
(Squeezing the tick's body would release germs inside its belly into your bloodstream. Pulling the legs won't work, as the thin legs may simply break.)
The ceremony to formally welcome new Scouts into the Scouting Movement
What is Investiture?
67.5 degrees
What is East Northeast?
The Founder of Scouting was born on this day in 1857. His wife Olave was born on the same day in 1889, now known as Founder's Day.
What is the 22nd of February?