If someone is mentally unwell they might claim this as their cause
When arrested, many of your rights are made clear to you based on what precedent?
Miranda V Arizona
The act of taking someone into custody
The questioning of someone to obtain evidence
Interrogation/Custodial Interrogation
Illegal items are known as what?
If a police officer were to encourage or persuade you to a commit a crime your cause would be ____
A reasonable belief that someone committed a crime
Probable cause
The act of revealing evidence against yourself
The frame of the "Modern Police Force" was made in what year?
1829 (Drafted by Sir Robert Peel)
If it was absolutely required to do something your cause would be of ____
The use of reasonable suspicion to disarm a suspected person
Stop and Frisk
A court order used to make an arrest or to perform a search
If something is genuine it is known as____ ___
Bona Fide
The police often cover for each other and will stay silent about certain things, this is referred to as the?
Blue Wall Of Silence
This is hard to prove but if you committed an act in protection of yourself it would be ____
Self Defense
This act protects people from being excessively harassed by police
Civil Rights Act
A set of characteristics outlined to provide reasonable suspicion to arrest someone for peddling
Drug courier profile
Evidence that is acquired unlawfully cannot be used under the ______ _____
Exclusionary Rule
A police officer in the chase of a suspect (Doesn't require a warrant)
Hot Pursuit
If you were coerced or intimidated into committing a crime then your cause would be?
What is the court case that discussed student drug testing?
New Jersey V TLO
Basing suspicion or an arrest on race
Racial profiling
A sworn statement
In an interrogation , an admission of guilt is known as?
A confession