What is zoology?
study of animals
Everything surrounding the organism being studied
What is bilateral symmetry
cut only one way to create similar right and left halves
Animals that live in trees such as squirrels and birds
Arboreal habitats
What is Botany?
study of plants
the home of an organism
What is radial symmetry
cut multiple ways to create mirror halves
aquatic environment
What is microbiology?
the study of organisms that are too small to see without a microscope
What is terrestrial?
environments on land
What is asymmetrical symmetry
cannot be cut into equal halves
hydrothermal vents
raise temperature of surrounding water
It links all the other branches of biology together
activate during the day
what type of symmetry does animals and humans mostly show?
bilateral symmetry
dormant/dormancy means?
when animals hibernate to help conserve energy
The study of an organism's shape and structure
the study of how organism's structure function
human anatomy
nocturnal means
activate mainly at night
a butterfly is an example of which symmetry