This is the third item in an MLA paper's header, found on the first page of an MLA formatted assignment.
What is the Course Name and Number?
When describing a person, you might begin with this.
What is physical description?
How a person __________, __________, and _________ is important in describing them to your audience.
What is thinks, feels and acts?
This is a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.
What is analysis?
"Pollution is bad for the environment" is an example of this kind of thesis.
What is a non-debatable thesis statement?
This item is centered on the first page and is found on the fifth double spaced line of an MLA document?
What is the document's title?
Some ways to organize descriptive writing include these three strategies.
What is chronological (time), spatial (location), and order of importance?
A personal narration is this.
What is an account of some event that has occurred in your life?
An appeal to emotion.
What is Pathos?
Testing sources for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.
What is the CRAPP test?
Not typical, this is the way dates are written in MLA format.
What is day, month, and year?
Good descriptive writing uses this kind of language.
What is precise language?
You want to do this to your topic for a paragraph or an essay?
What is Narrow Down?
The suggestion that you should join the crowd or be on the winning side by using a product—you don’t want to be the only person without it!
What is Bandwagon technique?
A visual representation of how to construct a body paragraph using a source.
What is the Quote Sandwich?
In MLA formatted documents, this is the font size that is standard.
What is twelve-point font?
Good descriptive writing often makes use of plenty of these.
What is figurative language such as analogies, similes and metaphors to help paint the picture in the reader's mind?
In narrative writing, you write from this perspective.
What is first person?
Who the text is intended for.
Who is the audience?
Giving a brief statement of the main points of (something).
What is a Summary?
Citations on a works cited page use this type of indentation.
What is hanging indentation?
Good descriptive writing includes plenty of these kinds of details.
What are many vivid sensory details?
Cover at least these four elements in your paragraph/essay.
What is setting, characters, plot, and significance?
An argumentative or persuasive piece of writing must begin with this.
What is a thesis statement?
•The title and author of the source
•Page numbers where material was found
•The Content you want to record;
these are all examples of this.
What is taking effective notes when researching?