it has 5 sides
What is a pentagon
four equal sided figure with 90 degree angles
What is a square?
what is all sides equal
2 lines that cross each other
what is intersect
polygons having equal sides are
What is congruent?
6 sided figure
What is hexagon?
A square is also a...
What is rectangle or rhombus?
a triangle with a right angle
what is right triangle
an angles that measures 90 degrees
what is right angle
polygons that are same shape but different sizes
What is similar
seven sided shape name and number of angles
What is a septagon, 7 angles
it has 4 sides, only 1 pair is parallel
What is parrallelogram or trapezoid?
triangle with 3 angles less than 90 degrees
what is acute triangle
symbol ll
What is parallel
longest chord of a circle
What is a diameter?
a stop sign shape, and how many triangles it is divided into
What is octagon and 6 triangles
all the angles of a quadrilateral add up to ----
what is 360 degrees
a triangle with 2 congruent sides
what is isosceles triangle
what is line AB?
distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle
What is radius?
the formula for # of triangles in polygon and total angle sum for a pentagon
what is # sides - 2 = # triangles
5-2=3 x 180 = 540 degrees
all quadrilaterals are a type of this
What is trapezoid?
triangle with no congruent sides and an angle over 90 degrees
what is a scalene, obtuse triangle
it contains a point and a segment with an arrow on the end
what is a ray?
Central angles of a circle equal___
What is 360 degrees?