the 276th decimal of pi
what is 4
what city is the coordinates 57°32'12"N 24°22'16"E in
what is ķurmrags, latvia
the 28th word of “the book of genesis” from the bible
what is spirit
the amount of syllables in the first 122 words of the wikipedia page for “association football”
what is 179
595 × 18 ÷ 16 × 57 √(5)
what is 85315.776139
the fifth word of the movie “harry potter and the philosophers stone”
was missouri blue or red in the election of 1876
what is blue
the name of the first satellite launched by luxembourg
what is “govsat-1”
dominican republic, the only country with a bible on its flag, shows what bible verse?
what is john 8:32
the original name of the first roller coaster built at coney island
what is switchback railway