FIH Inferences
FIH Author's Purpose
FIH Misc.
Academic Vocab.
Context Clues

Which idea is supported throughout the selection?

A. Lindbergh was younger than most pilots hoping to fly from New York to Paris. 

B. Airplanes with multiple engines were safest for crossing the Atlantic Ocean. 

C. It took Lindbergh years to get the money he needed to build his plane. 

D.Lindbergh believed a new strategy was needed to fly from New York to Paris.

D Lindbergh believed a new strategy was needed to fly from New York to Paris.


Why does the author include the pictures in the text?

To help the reader better visualize what the text is explaining


What is the key idea of the section "Young Pilot"?

Lindbergh was an excellent pilot and accepted the challenge to fly across the ocean with a new strategy


What is the "controlling idea" of a text?

The main point of a WHOLE informational text


What is the definition of prepare as it is used in the text (paragraph 3)?

planning to do something


Which detail about Lindbergh’s flight supports the idea that he flew the plane low in the sky?

F. Lindbergh used the stars to guide him. 

G Lindbergh called out to fishermen for directions.

H The plane traveled through poor weather conditions. 

J The plane was equipped with hundreds of gallons of fuel.

G Lindbergh called out to fishermen for directions.


The map of Lindbergh’s flight path helps the reader understand —

A. that the hotel owner wanted Lindbergh to be the first pilot to reach Paris 

B. why people were able to see the plane when Lindbergh flew over the ocean 

C. that Lindbergh had to fly over a large body of water in order to get to Paris

D. why Lindbergh made so many test flights over land before his flight across the ocean

C. that Lindbergh had to fly over a large body of water in order to get to Paris


Why does the author include the anecdote at the beginning of the text?

To hook the reader by showing how Lindbergh is successful at accomplishing his goal and using imagery


What is the theme of a story?

The lesson a reader should learn from a story and apply to their life.


What is the definition of engine as it is used in the text (paragraph 5)

a machine with moving parts that converts power into motion.


What is one thing you can infer from paragraph 10?

Lots of answers! Ireland is on the way to Paris, Lindbergh was lost, he was flying low to the ground, Lindbergh was tired and hungry


What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 

F To give the history of pilots who have been honored for their contributions to air travel 

G To explain how businesses have impacted the production of planes throughout history 

H To provide information about how the design of planes has changed throughout history 

J To relate the details of an important event in the history of air travel

J To relate the details of an important event in the history of air travel


What is the best summary of the section titled “The Flight”?

A. Charles Lindbergh asked people for directions as he flew overfishing boats on his long flight to Paris, France. 

B. Charles Lindbergh received awards from royalty and the president of the United States after he flew from New York to Paris. 

C. Charles Lindbergh was the first pilot to complete the difficult nonstop flight from New York to Paris and became an international hero.

D. Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean with only a compass and the stars to help him navigate through fog and darkness.

C. Charles Lindbergh was the first pilot to complete the difficult nonstop flight from New York to Paris and became an international hero.


What makes a good summary for a text or section?

only the key ideas from the BME of the story


What is the definition of conserve as it is used in the text? (paragraph 3)

prevent the wasteful use of something


How did Lindbergh's feelings change from the beginning of the flight to the end of the flight?

He was tired at the beginning (par. 9) but probably really excited at the end when he succeeded and everyone was cheering him on (par. 11)


Why does the author organize the text into different sections with subheadings?

To explain different moments in Lindbergh's life leading up to the flight


The main idea of paragraphs 4 and 5 is that the Spirit of St. Louis was —

F rejected by most manufacturers Lindbergh approached 

G sponsored by local businessmen 

H completed in a short period of time 

J constructed specifically to satisfy Lindbergh’s requirements

J constructed specifically to satisfy Lindbergh’s requirements

Name at least 4 examples of text features you should look for before reading a text.

title, subheading, picture, captions, bolded words, glossary, text box, underlined words, graphics, etc.


Which of the following is the best definition of periscope as it is used in paragraph 5?

A. to become compressed or condensed

B. An instrument used to see stars at night.

C. a tube attached to a set of mirrors or prisms, by which an observer can see objects that are out of sight.

D. A device used to record visual images

C. a tube attached to a set of mirrors or prisms, by which an observer can see objects that are out of sight.


Why did lindbergh make several small flights before he flew from New York to Paris (paragraph 7)

So he could practice before his big flight


Find two SPECIFIC details in the text that support the author's purpose for writing this text (To relate the details of an important event in the history of air travel)

There are many answers to this question


Write a summary of the text.

Charles Lingbergh had a dream as a young pilot to fly across the ocean, so he had a small plane built for him and he finally did it and he became an international hero.


What is an anecdote?

A short interesting story about something real that happens


What is the definition of transcontinental as it is used in the text? (paragraph 7)

crossing a continent
