How do you initiate a handshake?
What is income?
Money you receive or earn from others.
Name a way to keep your audience engaged when public speaking.
Hand gestures, eye contact, loud voice, etc.)
What is code switching?
What should ALWAYS do when you email the team?
What must you do at the end of an interview?
Ask for the employeers contact information and ask questions.
What are fixed expenses?
Money you spend that stays the same every month. (Streaming services: $__ a month)
Name 3 resources you can use to plan out your month.
Physical calendar, google calendar, phone reminders, planners,etc.
What are the 3 types of learning styles?
Auditory (hearing), Visual (looking), Kinesthetic (feeling)
What is the name of our agency and what does this stand for?
Balboa OMIE:
Oceanview, Merced heights, Ingleside, Excelsior
What must you do to maintain active listening posture?
Sit up straight, maintain eye-contact, and head nod periodically.
What is a rain day fund?
An amount of money saved to cover unexpected events (Broken phone) , hospital bills,etc.)
What is the difference between CC and BCC?
CC- Carbon Copy (Can other recipients)
BCC - Blind Carbon Copy (Anonymous)
What are the difference between a State and a UC? Give an example
State: requires a 2.0 GPA or higher, higher acceptance rate
Long beach state, SF state
UC: requires a higher GPA (3.0 or higher), lower acceptance rates,
UC Berkeley, UC Davis
What is Kylie's position in MYEEP?
Program Assistant
What are the four main dress codes?
Business professional, business casual, smart casual, & casual.
What are needs vs wants?
Needs: Things that are necessary to survive (Food, electricity, etc.)
Wants: Things that can provide joy or comfort but you can live without having them. (Vidoe games, designer clothes,etc.)
What are all of the components needed for a proper email?
Recipient(s), Subject, Greeting, Body Paragraph, & Closing/Signature.
What is an elevator pitch and what should you include in it?
Elevator Pitch: Quick and concise summary of your professional career to introduce yourself when networking
Components: Introduction (name, career), unique qualities (achievements, values), Purpose (career advice, business proposal)
Name 15 interns in your cohort
What is the difference between a personal & professional network?
Personal network: People you interact with daily (friends, family, mutuals, neighbors, teachers, work colleagues,etc.)
Professional network:People who can grow your career and help you find new opportunities
What is the 50/30/20 rule?
50% - Needs
30% - Wants
20% - Savings (Rainy day fund)
What does it mean to defund the police?
To not entirely "defund" the police but reallocate resources/funding to help the community with what they need.
What are the 5 types of note taking?
Outline method, Cornell method, Sentence method, Charting method, Mapping method
Name the ENTIRE cohort, including staff. Go around the room! :D
that was hard!!