How do you say hello in french
What is Bonjour
What holiday is used to honor all saints and deceased loved ones
What is La Toussaint (All Saints Day)
je/j parler
je parlerais
deux mille vingt-quatre
What is printer
How do you say Good morning, Good night, and Good afternoon in French?
What is Bonjour/Bonne Nuit/ Bon apres-midi
What holiday is known French indepence
What is Bastille Day
Nous reussir
nous reussirions
mille neuf cents
How to say I need to plug in my phone
What is Je dois brancher mon telephone
What is How did you sleep?
what is Comment as-tu dormi?/ As-tu Bien dormir
How do you say Christmas in French
ils/elles attendre
trois mille cinq
What is I need to turn on my computer to video call
What is Je dois allumer mon ordinateur pour passer un appel video.