
The 37th President of the United States. This President won office by the largest landslide vote in US history. During his term he went to China, established détente with the USSR, and established the EPA. He is the only President to resign.

Who is Richard Nixon?


The 39th Pesident of the United States. This former peanut farmer and Sunday Schoo teacher served as President for one term. He oversaw the Camp David Accords.

Who is Jimmy Carter?


The 40th President of the United States. This former actor and governor of California won the Election of 1980. He rode in on a wave of new conservatism. He started a "revolution," with his brand of economic policies which bears his name. 

Who is Ronald Reagan?


the 41st President of the United States. This former Vice President to Ronald Reagan served for only one term as president, after going back on a campaign promise of "No new taxes."

Who is George H. W. "papa" Bush


A series of four terrorist attacks by the terrorist organization, al-Qaeda in New York and Washington, DC. It resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans.

What is 9/11?


An American couple who were accused of spying for the Soviet Union. They were electrocuted in 1953.

Who are the Rosenbergs?


This crisis occurred when 52 Americans were held hostage in Iran for 444 days. 

What is the Iran-Hostage Crisis?


The economic policies of Ronald Reagan. They consisted of supply-side economic policies, also known as "trickle-down" economics.

What are Reaganomics?


This international conflict occurred after Iraq invaded the small oil-rich nation of Kuwait. The US led a team of nations to liberated Kuwait. As they returned to Iraq, Iraqi soldiers burned vast amounts of oil.

What is the Persian Gulf War?


One of the deadliest and most expensive hurricanes in American history. It nearly destroyed the city of New Orleans. It became a major issue for Pres. George W. Bush's popularity.

What is Hurricane Katrina?


The first African- American women elected to the US House of Representatives for New York in 1969. She ran for president in 1972.

Who is Shirley Chisholm?


This term was used to describe the economic situation of the 1970s when BOTH inflation and unemployment remained high. 

What is stagflation?


This affair came to light in 1986. It occurred when members of the Reagan administration were caught selling weapons to Iran for cash. The cash was then funneled to the Nicaraguan anti-communist guerilla group known as the Contras.

What is the Iran-Contra Affair?


This agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico creates a huge free trade zone on North America. It demonstrates the US's commitment to globalization.

What is NAFTA?


This "war" began after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It resulted in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. It is still going on today. 

What is the War of Terror?


This Latina activist worked with Cesar Chavez to help migrant farmers. She is the co-founder of the National Farm Workers Association.

Who is Dolores Huerta?


This shooting occurred at this Ohio university in 1970 when the National Guard shot and killed 4 unarmed students protesting the Vietnam War.

What is the Kent State Massacre?


Appointed in 1981, this distinguished judge became the first woman on the Supreme Court.

Who is Sandra Day O'Conner?


Thanks to this recent invention, the world is more connected than ever before. It has caused globalization to increase, and enables people around the world to share information and memes.

What is the internet?


This law gave the federal government vast new powers to fight terrorism. Among these new powers is the ability to spy on the American people as well as its allies abroad.

What is the USA PATRIOT Act?


This former attorney for the NAACP argued for Brown v. Board at the Supreme Court. He went on to be the first African-American to serve as a Supreme Court Justice.

Who is Thurgood Marshall?


This Supreme Court decision defined the constitutional rights of students and faculty in public schools. It found that students and faculty keep their 1st amendment rights when the enter a school.

What is Tinker v. Des Moines?


This STD epidemic plagued the nation throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Activists heavily criticized the Reagan administration for doing nothing about this crisis.

What is the AIDS crisis?


This crime resulted in the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 after he lied before congress.

What is perjury?


The economic meltdown occurred after the US-Housing market collapsed in 2008. It was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. 

What is the 2008 Great Recession?
