Problems with Modifiers
Placement of Modifiers
Exclamation points, question marks, and periods
Semicolons and colons

A most nearly sure indication that someone is from Ireland is that he has a strong affinity for "association football."



Before the tenth century he discovered that the Irish did not begin using last names.

He discovered that the Irish did not begin using last names before the tenth century.


The Polynesians, the original inhabitants of Hawaii, conducted their most extensive migration and settlement activities between 1000 BC and AD 500

The Polynesians, the original inhabitants of Hawaii, conducted their most extensive migration and settlement activities between 1000 B.C. and A.D. 500.


The sand sizzled the waves beckoned and the palm trees swayed in the afternoon breeze.

The sand sizzled, the waves beckoned, and the palm trees swayed in the afternoon breeze.


At 3 00 P.M. the orchestra is playing a tribute to Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani all the concert's tunes were composed by this talented monarch.

At 3:00 P.M. the orchestra is playing a tribute to Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani; all the concert's tunes were composed by this talented monarch.


You might rave along with him until you realize the sport he's describing doesn't sound nothing like football.



At this time Irish populations especially who stayed near their villages had little need for surnames.

At this time especially, Irish populations who stayed near their villages had little need for surnames.


Dr Nikolo Kalani Sr from IBM said his flight arrives at 8:20 PM, right

Dr. Nikolo Kalani Sr. from IBM said his flight arrives at 8:20 P.M., right?


After noticing Kauai's many pineapple groves I learned that 98 percent of the island is owned by a fruit-processing corporation.

After noticing Kauai's many pineapple groves, I learned that 98 percent of the island is owned by a fruit-processing corporation.


Queen Liliuokalani was taught by missionaries to Hawaii who obeyed God's call found in Matthew 28 19 Acts 1 8 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-5.

Queen Liliuokalani was taught by missionaries to Hawaii who obeyed God's call found in Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8; and 2 Corinthians 4:1-5.


Instead, the most favorite sport of many Irish citizens looks a lot like soccer.



In the 900s the Irish population that was growing rapidly began expanding its prior boundaries.

In the 900s the rapidly growing Irish population began expanding its prior boundaries.


Oh If Alana took my backpack by mistake, that $9950 rebate check is with her

Oh! If Alana took my backpack by mistake, that $99.50 rebate check is with her!


In 1778 Captain James Cook arrived in Hawaii which was ruled by various chiefs and was largely unknown by the world.

In 1778 Captain James Cook arrived in Hawaii, which was ruled by various chiefs and was largely unknown by the world.


I hope I remember my opening address correctly "Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to this afternoon's performance dedicated to Queen Liliuokalani's music. Before our program begins, please join me in reading Matthew 6 9-13 as printed in your programs."

I hope I remember my opening address correctly: "Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to this afternoon's performance dedicated to Queen Liliuokalani's music. Before our program begins, please join me in reading Matthew 6:9-13 as printed in your programs."


It makes matters much more simpler to realize that association football and soccer are synonymous games.



Telling of a predecessor's first name, occupation, or characteristic, people began claiming names.

People began claiming names telling of a predecessor's first name, occupation, or characteristic.


I Basics of the Hawaiian language

     A The twelve-letter alphabet

     B Popular Hawaiian words

I. Basics of the Hawaiian language

     A. The twelve-letter alphabet

     B. Popular Hawaiian words


Did you know Damon that Hawaii actually comprises 132 islands?

Did you know, Damon, that Hawaii actually comprises 132 islands?


Following the concert, I need to finish reading my assignment for American History class therefore, I'll have to put off finishing my reading of Zoli's Legacy I: Inheritance.

Following the concert, I need to finish reading my assignment for American History class; therefore, I'll have to put off finishing my reading of Zoli's Legacy I: Inheritance.


Now you will not make no incorrect assumptions when you hear of the Football Association of Ireland.



According to this record, Irish people who took the last name Murphy originally claimed to be descendants of a sea warrior.

According to this record, Irish people who originally took the last name Murphy claimed to be descendants of a sea warrior.

Miss Alana E Makani

PO Box 10084

Honolulu HI 96817

Miss Alana E. Makani

P.O. Box 10084

Honolulu, HI 96817


Hawaii as I just learned did not have its famous sweet pineapples until the Jamaicans imported these plants in the mid-1880s.

Hawaii, as I just learned, did not have its famous sweet pineapples until the Jamaicans imported these plants in the mid-1880s.


Playing in the woodwind section are three guest performers Cora Rhodes, on piccolo Daryl Yu, on bassoon and Ashton Cairns, on clarinet.

Playing in the woodwind section are three guest performers: Cora Rhodes, on piccolo; Daryl Yu, on bassoon; and Ashton Cairns, on clarinet.
