This poem dealt with the poet's approach to his death.
What is "Crossing the Bar"?
The Victorian Era was named after this person.
Who is Queen Victoria?
The man who proposed to and got engaged to Louisa Musgrove.
Who is Captain Benwick?
This character was in love with Anne by the end of the novel.
Who is Frederick Wentworth?
The reason Anne stayed home from the party where everyone would meet Captain Wentworth.
What is her nephew broke his collarbone?
This author wrote "Ode to the West Wind."
Who is Shelley?
The dates of the Victorian Era coincide with these two events.
What is Queen Victoria's ascension to the throne and her death?
The person partially responsible for Mr. and Mrs. Smith's financial ruin.
Who is Sir Elliot?
Sir Walter valued two things: good social standing and this.
What is good looks/attractiveness?
The comment Wentworth makes about Anne after he first sees her after eight years.
What is-- she had changed so much, he hardly recognized her?
Wordsworth emphasized learning through this instead of books and education.
What is nature?
This poet was a true Victorian poet.
Who is Alfred Lord Tennyson?
The change that occurred in Louisa after her fall in Lyme.
What is she became more serious and thoughtful?
This character often fancied herself sick when she actually wasn't.
Who is Mary Musgrove?
Lady Russell was the closest to this person.
Who is Anne?
John Keats wrote an ode to this season.
What is autumn?
Women were expected to be this in the home during the Victorian Era.
What is "the angel in the house"?
The person to whom everyone looks for advice when Louisa falls.
Who is Anne?
These people were looked up to by Anne as the most admirable example of a good and healthy marriage.
Who are Admiral and Mrs. Croft?
The British Romantics valued this over the artificial.
What is nature?
This poet wrote two contrasting poems called "The Chimney Sweeper."
Who is William Blake?
The two types of literature that were celebrated in the Victorian Era were realism and this.
What is aestheticism?
The person partially responsible for Anne's earliest rejection of Captain Wentworth eight years ago.
Who is Lady Russell?
This character was related to Frederick Wentworth as a sibling.
Who is Mrs. Croft?
The British Romantics valued this over urban sophistication/maturity.
What is childhood?