This Latin root means "to carry" and is found in words like transport and import.
What is "port"?
This prefix means "against" and is used in words like antibacterial and antidote.
What is "anti-"?
This suffix means "the study of" and is found in words like biology and geology.
What is "-ology"?
This word means "able to bend easily without breaking."
What is "flexible"?
This word means "to influence," while a similar word means "a result or outcome."
What are "affect" and "effect"?
This root means "to write" and appears in words like manuscript and inscription.
What is "scrib/script"?
Meaning "before," this prefix appears in words like preview and premonition.
What is "pre-"?
Meaning "capable of," this suffix appears in words like readable and breakable.
hat is "-able" or "-ible"?
A synonym for "cautious," this word describes someone who avoids risks.
What is "prudent"?
One of these words means "able to be accepted," while the other means "to leave out or exclude."
What are "accept" and "except"?
The Latin root for "light," it can be seen in words like illuminate and lucid.
What is "luc/lum"?
This prefix means "half" and is seen in words like semicircle and semiannual.
What is "semi-"?
This suffix means "one who" and is found in words like artist and biologist.
What is "-ist"?
This term means "to examine something closely and carefully."
What is "analyze"?
This word means "belonging to them," while a similar-sounding word means "they are."
What are "their" and "they're"?
This root means "to hear" and is found in words like audience and audible.
What is "aud"?
A prefix meaning "not" or "opposite of," it starts words like injustice and incomplete.
What is "in-"?
Meaning "full of," this suffix appears in words like joyous and nervous.
What is "-ous"?
This word describes a person who does not give up, even when faced with challenges.
What is "perseverant" or "determined"?
This word refers to a place, while another word means "in that case" or "as a result."
What are "there" and "then"?
The Latin root meaning "life," it is part of words like vital and revive.
What is "viv/vit"?
This prefix means "many" and is used in words like polygon and multilingual.
What is "poly-"?
This suffix turns verbs into nouns and is used in words like completion and hesitation.
What is "-tion" or "-sion"?
"a feeling of being completely confused or puzzled," this word describes a common reaction to difficult questions.
What is "bewilderment"?
his word means "not moving" or "unchanging," while a similar word means "a flat surface for art or discussion topics."
What are "stationary" and "stationery"?