How many visual texts will you get in your exam?
How many written texts will you get in your exam?
What are language features? (definition)
Language features refer to design elements within the text which create/support meaning.
Aka the things that make a text 'pretty'.
The objects within the house.
What happens if you don't provide explanations for 2 language features and 2 text structures?
You get an E for one of them :(
Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?
What is a visual text? Give an example.
- poster, ad, movie, tv show
What is a written text? (Provide an example)
- blog posts, job advertisement, article, short story, essay -->anything with substantial writing
What are text structures? (definition)
Textual features are the way that objects/things are organised or positioned within the text.
They are the structural elements of the house.
What happens if you don't even attempt the exam?
You get an N and therefore no QCE point and no 'exiting' the subject.
Is Australia wider than the moon?
List 3 text structures of visual texts
- order, positioning, layout/location, sequencing, background/foreground
- title, headings/subheadings, bullet points, columns
List 3 text structures of written texts.
- positioning, structuring, headings/subheadings, paragraphs, genre
- paragraphing, topic sentences, hook, separation of sections, separation of text
How do you explain a feature?
Identify it, explain it, evidence it!
Can you take the seen source and notes home?
In 1999 Shigetaka Kurita invented what keyboard additions for mobile phones that would eventually replace emoticons and even get their own movie?
Answer: Emojis
List 4 types of language features for visual texts.
Camera angles, e.g. low/front/high angle, bird's-eye/worm's eye view, tilted/canted
- Framing, e.g. close-ups, extreme close-ups, medium/long shot
-graphics, still images, line, colour, shape, vector, icon, font, case, italic
List 4 types of language features in written texts.
- slang, modality, power of 3, inclusive language, idioms, emotive language
What must you link your features to?
Your chosen representations.
What will our topic be about?
The impact of space and technology.
Human space exploration.
What percentage of the ocean has been explored?
How do we explain our answer to a visual text?
Identify it, evidence it, explain it, link to representation.
How do we explain our answers for a written text?
Identify it, evidence it, explain it, link it to representation.
How many of each feature do you need in your exam?
2 each
What happens if you are away on the exam days?
Fill out an illness and misadventure form. Sit a comparable exam.
Get an N.
How many people use technology in the world?
approx. 5.16 billion