Why should you glorify God?
I should glorify God because He made me and takes care of me.
Who were our first parents?
Adam and Eve were our first parents.
What were Adam and Eve like when God made them?
God made them holy and happy.
What happened to the Assyrian army when they attacked Judah during Hezekiah’s reign?
The angel of the LORD slaughtered 185,000 Assyrians in one night, and the rest went home.
Did Adam obey God?
No, Adam chose to disobey God.
How did Solomon disobey God?
Solomon broke God’s law by taking many foreign wives.
Where does sin start?
Sin starts in the heart.
Did Manasseh follow his father’s (Hezekiah’s) example of trusting and obeying God?
What was the sin of Jeroboam?
He made two golden calves for the people in Israel to worship so that they would not go to Jerusalem to worship.
How did God punish Adam’s disobedience?
Adam’s punishment was death and separation from God.
Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable.
What happened to Israel because they served other gods and did not listen or do God’s commands?
The Lord caused them to be defeated and exiled because of their sin.
Sin is disobedience (against God’s perfect law by failing to do what God commands or doing what God forbids).
Why did Jeroboam sin?
Jeroboam was trying to protect his kingship.
How did Jeroboam’s sin affect Israel and his family?
Because Israel followed Jeroboam’s false worship, Israel would be exiled from the promise land about 200 years later. Jeroboam’s family died.
How did Jonah end up in the belly of the fish? (2 major points)
Jonah ran away from God disobeying His command to go to Nineveh. When God brought a bad storm, Jonah was tossed overboard. Jonah cried out to God in the stormy sea, and God saved Jonah by appointing a big fish to swallow him.
How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s preaching? (Give 2 actions)
They repented of their sin by humbled themselves wearing sackcloth, fasting, and praying.
How did Hezekiah respond to the Assyrian threats? Give 2
At first, Hezekiah submitted to the king by giving him gold and silver, but when he threatened to take the people, Hezekiah humbled himself and prayed to the LORD.
How did the LORD punish Israel for worshipping Baal under Ahab’s reign?
The LORD caused a drought, which showed that Baal did not really have power to send rain.
Why was Ahab more wicked than any of Israel’s previous kings? (give 2 for all points)
King Ahab married Jezebel And officially introduced Baal worship into the nation of Israel.
What did Hezekiah do that made him a good king? Give 2 reasons
1. He destroyed all the idols and the high places.
2. He turned to God for help.
3. He followed all the commands given to Moses.
How did Rabshakah (Assyria’s spokesman) undermine Judah’s faith? (give 2)
He said the LORD was unhappy with Hezekiah,
that the LORD had told him to destroy Jerusalem,
and that the LORD could not save Jerusalem.
What was the contest that Elijah proposed to prove there was only one true God?
Baal’s prophets would prepare a sacrifice to Baal, and Elijah would prepare one to the LORD. Then they would pray and see if Baal or the LORD would send fire to burn up the sacrifice. The one who sent the fire would prove to be God.
What does Judah’s punishment show us about God? (Give 2 attributes)
God is sovereign, able to punish as He pleases.
He is just, punishing sin as it deserves.
He is faithful, punishing just as He says.
He is immovable, firm in His decision to punish.
What sins did Manasseh commit? Give 4 to get all 500
He built high places, worshiped idols (even in the temple of God), sacrificed his son, practiced witchcraft, and killed innocent people.