The D in distract stands for 'Do Nothing"
What is FALSE!
Janet's friends all decided to not study for an upcoming history test but instead all decided to go to a party. History is the hardest subject for Janet and she needs to do well in order to get a good grade because her grades are important to her. Instead of joining them at the party Janet decided to stay home and hit the books in order to stick to her values.
**Double Jeopardy- describe a time you used this skill**
What is the FAST Skill!
Who is the director of our unit?
Who is...Dr. Narayan
Which is the tallest mountain in the world?
What is.....Mt. Everest!
This person is currently employee of the month....
The P is STOP stands for Put that down!...
**double jeopardy**
When have you used the STOP skill?
What is False!
Selena was eating a lot of junk food, not exercising, staying up all night and drinking too much coffee. What skill would Selena benefit from practicing the most based on the above?
What is the PLEASE Skill!
What time is the latest you can hand your WiseMind Point sheet in, in order to earn a medal?
What is... 8:00am!
What animal can live the longest without water?
What is....a camel!
This person used to live in North Carolina
Who is...Mr. Dave!
The S in the PLEASE skill stands for "Sleep well"
What is True
What is the Stop Skill!
What do the letters in EBCAP stand for?
What is...Egregious Behavior Corrective Action Plan!
Which sea creature has 3 hearts?
What Octopus!
This person is double jointed
Who is .... Miss Taylor!
The M in the DEARMAN skill stands for Make a decision quickly
**double Jeopardy what does R stand for**
What is false
Reward or motivate the person for doing what you want
H (have fun)
Henry was having a hard time in class because the teacher was talking about a topic he didn't like and had the urge to run out of the room, instead, Henry thought about the last time the teacher spoke about this topic and how he successfully stayed in class and used his putty.
**double Jeopardy**
what can you purchase from the WiseMind store to DISTRACT
How do you earn bonus coins?
How is by practicing your DBT skill and telling staff or being observed by staff
Which galaxy is Earth part of?
What is the Milky Way
This person was once on News 12!
Who is...Dr. Choudhry
The T in TIPP stands for Talk
What is FALSE
Sally was nervous about her test in school. She made sure she used positive self-talk/affirmations such as “you can do this!” and “you studied hard and are going ace this test!”
** double jeopardy**
When have you used this skill
What is Cheerlead
How many patients can be in the comfort room at a time?
What is... 1!
How many bones do adult humans have?
What is 206!
This person was born in Minnesota...
Who is...Miss Debbie!