This emotion is based on the perception that something is wrong.
A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment
What is it called when you are diffusing anger through socially acceptable or healthy areas (i.e. Sports, exercise)
Trying to prove to yourself that you are not angry when you really are: "I'm not angry!!!!"
What are 2 examples of mindfulness?
grounding, meditation, nature walks.....
Actual question: True or False: Is good an emotion?
This emotion stems from doing or thinking something you believe is wrong and/or violates your values
What is guilt?
A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
What is lashing out at an innocent third party. (i.e. picking an argument with spouse after a bad day at work)
Displaced aggression
This means pleasure or joy derived from someone else's suffering or misfortune.
Schadenfreude (sha-din-froy-da)
This emotion is fueled by understanding and accepting that we're all made of strength and struggle - no one is immune to pain or suffering. It is not a practice of 'better than' or 'I can fix you'- it's a practice based in the beauty and pain of shared humanity.
What is compassion? Compassion uses Cognitive Empathy
What is the hormone that is released when the body goes into fight or flight mode?
Acting out
Insecure feelings leading to a belief that you don't have the right to be angry. "It's all my fault."
What is self-Doubt?
What is the difference between shame and guilt?
Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love, belonging, and connection.
Guilt is an emotion that we experience when we fall short of our own expectations or standards. However, with guilt our focus is on having done something wrong and doing something to set things right.
This emotion arises out of a combination of negative life events and negative thought patterns.
What is Hopelessness?
What nervous system controls the flight or fight response?
Sympathetic Nervous System: SNS
Striking back in sneaky, subtle ways such as revenge, sarcasm, indirect attempts to hurt others feelings.
Passive aggression
Ignoring the emotional aspect of anger and its underlying causes by trying to philosophize your way out of it. For example: someone is clearly doing something that is upsetting you but trying to tell yourself "I am not going to let him/her make me angry.."
This emotion is the enjoyment of another's success. Also a subset of empathy
This is an emotion you feel when someone has something you really want or need but you don't or can't have it.
What nervous system controls the body's ability to relax
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)
Assertively not aggressively telling others how you feel in a calm, respectful way.
Talking about it with an uninvolved but concerned person or group. Trying to express it through art or music.
What are the two different types? (Bonus)
Coping and expressing anger
Direct or indirect.
Channeling anger in the wrong direction inward on yourself or outward toward an innocent or uninvolved person, animal or object
Displaced Anger
What are examples of Displacing anger inward? Displacing anger outward?
Double Points!!!
Inward: Cutting, self-harm, self-destructive behavior, self-sabotage, self-hate, depression
Outward: Picking fights or starting arguments, hurting animals, breaking stuff, abuse