What is CA?
Cocaine Anonymous
What is a sponsor
An experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery.
What is step 1?
Admitting we are powerless and that our lives had become unmanageable.
What is a home group?
A group where a person feels safe to talk about their addiction without the feeling of being judged.
How many Steps was AA originally?
What is Al-Anon?
A group that provides support for family members of alcoholics
What is acceptance?
The answer to all of our problems (Big Book p. 417).
What is Step 8?
Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all
What does OSA stand for?
Online Service Area
who wrote Alcoholics Anonymous?
Bill W
What is Narcotics-Anonymous?
This group deals with individuals addicted to different types of illicit drugs.
What is the primary purpose of AA?
To stay free from addiction and help others achieve the same freedom
What is Tradition 4?
Each group should be Autonomous accept in matters affecting CA as a whole
What are the 3 points of the triangle?
Unity, Service and Step work
What year was the OSA Founded?
What is Nar-Anon?
A group for friends and family members of individuals with a drug addiction.
What are character defects?
Personal shortcomings or harmful behaviours that may fuel an individuals addiction.
What is Step 4?
Making a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
What is the suggested clean time requirement to become a GSR?
1 year
What was Dr Bobs Official title?
What is Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA)?
A group for people working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and develop functional and healthy relationships.
What is a 3 fold illness?
Obsession of the mind, allergy of the body and the spiritual malady
What is Tradition 10?
AA has no opinion on outside issues, hence the AA name aught never be drawn into public controversy.
When and where was CA founded?
Los Angeles in 1982
When and Where was AA Founded?
Akron Ohio in 1935