How many sections are in the Big Book?
What year was NA founded?
What does it mean to say some AA meetings are "closed" or "open"
Closed indicates only alcoholics attend, whereas open invites anyone to attend.
Recite step one, as stated in the 12 steps of AA.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.
The "12 & 12" refers to which text?
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and ..." other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."
Recite step one, as stated in the steps of NA.
We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.
What is the heartbeat of AA?
The homegroup
Step 10 is often referred to as a ____ step.
In NA literature, JFT stands for ____.
We suffer from a mental _______ and physical __________.
obsession, craving
What are the three most important spiritual principles?
Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness.
This color keytag is collected by members at NA meetings, when they celebrate one year clean.
Glow in the dark
What is the only step that promises freedom from drinking?
Step 10
The beginning of the Big Book has not been changed since 1939, but exactly how many pages does that consist of?
What materializes after Step Nine?
The promises
"The only requirement for membership is (blank).
a desire to stop using."
When and where was the first NA meeting?
1953 in Los Angeles, California
How many steps were there originally in AA?
What is the most recent literature put out by NAWS?
Spiritual Principle A Day (SPAD)
The prayer that states your decision to surrender to the guidance of your Higher Power.
What is the Third Step Prayer?
What is the NA message?
An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live.
Bill W and Dr. Bob had their first meeting this year, in this city and state.
1935 in Akron, Ohio
In step five to whom did we admit the exact nature of our of our wrongs?
To ourselves, God, and another human being.
In the NA pamphlet, The Triangle of Self-Obsession, it is states that we must "(blank) or die" to break free.
"Grow up"