This alone is not sufficient to overcome alcoholism or addiction.
"Assuming we are ___________ __________, we can do all sorts of things alcoholics are not supposed to do." Page 100
Spiritually Fit
Began in Akron, Ohio, in 1935 with a chance meeting between two alcoholics, one a doctor and one a broker.
What is Alcoholics Anonymous
This step involves asking a higher power to remove our shortcomings.
What is step 7
This staff member is very into cephalopods and has lived in a haunted house. This staff member also claims to have been bullied by a blind kid.
This is viewed as the only viable alternative for the addict/alcoholic.
Life long abstinence
________ and _________ of others is our code. Page 84
Love and Tolerance
An experienced member who guides newcomers through recovery.
What is a sponsor
In which step do I list resentments, harms done to others and fears?
Step 4
This staff member once had a mullet and their family chore was to bury dead bodies.
12-step groups and the CDC believe that alcohol and addiction are a ______ disease.
Chronic (can be managed but not cured, chronic diseases tend to worsen over time and are often fatal.)
__________ is the number one offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. Page 64
A meeting anyone can attend.
What is an open meeting.
What is the spiritual principle of step 1?
This staff member is the originator of the term "mile daddy" and often calls his peers "musket head." This staff member is also commonly referred to as "the weakest of men."
Abstinence is not enough... the 12-steps help you work on personal flaws know in AA/NA as ______.
Character Defects
Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as _______________. Page 89
Intensive work with other alcoholics.
Who was the friend of Bill W that helped him get sober by introducing him to the Oxford Group?
Ebby Thatcher
"We admitted to _____, _____, and _____ the exact nature of our wrongs."
Step 5. God, ourselves, and another human being
These staff members were once patient's at Extra Mile Recovery. (There are 4)
Chase, Sean, Bryson, Chad, Ray
To stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety is the ________ _________ of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Primary Purpose
When the ________ ________ is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically. Page 64
Spiritual Malady
Meetings are self supporting through _________.
What is "our own contributions."
"Here are the steps we took, which are _______ as a program of recovery."
The most important person in the room right now!