๐Ÿฆ  "Cell" Phones
๐Ÿšš How It's Made ๐Ÿ—๏ธ
๐Ÿ™ŠLanguages ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ญ
๐ŸŒŽThe Living Earth๐ŸŒ
โ“ Chemical "Things"โš›๏ธ

This is the name of specialized parts inside of cells

(+100: For each one that you can name)

(+100: For telling me which specialized type of organism has that particular type of specialized part)



This product was invented in ancient China but a form of it was also used from the papyrus plant in a different part of the world

(+300: Name the other part of the world)




If you're trying to spend dinero to buy some paella, you might be speaking this language to do that

(+100: For each country you can name that uses this language)

Spanish (Espanol)


This science is "E"specially useful in studying how living things live in the "E"nvironment of the "E"arth



Ancient people around the world noticed that spots on this celestial or astronomical object seemed to occur in a pattern over time - we now are able to use this to help us understand weather and climate patterns

(+500: Guess the interval / time pattern over which they occur)


(Approx. 11-year solar cycle)


This place is famous for having the most biodiversity on the planet - some scientists estimate that up to 50% of all species might be found here!

(+300: Name the country/countries where this place is found)

(+300: Name the biome type)

(+300: Name the ecological problem(s) taking place there currently)

The Amazon

(Brasil; Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, etc)

(Tropical Rainforest)

(Deforestation; Clear Cutting; Species Extinction etc)


This is the basic (and smallest) unit of all matter - the Greeks thought that it "couldn't be divided", which is where it gets its name

(+200: Name sub-parts of this unit)

(+400: Name what the vast majority of this unit is made up of)


(from Greek "a- tomos", meaning "not (able to be) divided")

(Proton; neutron; electron)

(Empty space)


This is the "Mayor" or "Control Center" found in animal, plant, and fungi cells

(+400: Name the type of cell found in these categories of living things)




Mirrors use this element four-seven whose name is also used in other languages for money, such as "argent" in French

(+200: Name the atomic mass)

Silver (Ag)

(approx. 108)


If you're trying to spend argent to acquire some eau de parfum in Bordeaux or Toulouse, you might parler this language

(+200: For each country you can name that uses this language)

French (Francais)


This word is used to describe a community of interacting organisms and the physical "E"nvironment



No one knows exactly who built it, but the Celts used this prehistoric monument (which is still standing in its original position) for this scientific activity

(+200: Name the monument)

(+200: Name the country it's located in)

(+200: Name the activity)


(The UK)

(Astronomical / Calendar calculation)


The Sahara, Gobi, Atacama, Kalahari - these are all examples of this major biome type that covers a large part of the Earth's surface

(+200: Each major feature / characteristic of this biome)

(+200: Organisms adapted to this biome type)

(+400: Accurately guess the % of the world covered by this biome type)


(Little to no precip; high diurnal/nocturnal temperature range; little cloud cover; little standing water features; plants and animals that are drought-adapted or xeric type etc_)

(Cacti; succulents; scorpions; etc)

(1/3 of the world's surface)


This part of chemical elements has a positive attitude - it's charged with being the cheerful (positive) part as well as being how we give each element its "number"

(+200: Name the magnitude of its charge)




This "energy center" or the "power plant" of the cell is where all of the energy production that all living things need to do everything from move to think to eating and even blinking one's eyes

(+600: Name the energy "currency" produced by these specialized factories)




Jelly beans, like so many sweet foods, are mostly made of sugar from sugar cane which traditionally grows as a type of flowering plant in this category



Bom dia! If you're trying to attend Carnaval in Rio, you might need to know this language in order to ask which samba or bossa nova song is playing

(+300: For each country you can name that uses this language)

Portuguese (Portugues)


This word is the sum total of all ecosystems and biomes over the entire Earth system

(+300: Name different parts of this entity)


(Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, and Cryosphere)


The Chinese are famous for developing this substance which is a chemical mixture of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate - BOOM!

(+300: Name an additional invention related to this that we still use today for celebrations)


(Fireworks / firecrackers)


This major biome type found over about 10% of the Earth's surface is characterized by little or no tree growth - most plant cover takes the form of mosses, lichen, and tiny shrubs that stay low to the ground. It's not because it's too dry, but because of this

(+300: Name the biome type)

(+300: Name the defining characteristic)  

(+300: Name a country that has this biome type)


(Too cold to support tree growth / permanently frozen soil)

(Russia; Canada; US {Alaska}; Finland, Norway, Sweden)


This sub-part of chemical units stays neutral and doesn't get involved in giving elements any of its net charge

(+300: Name where it hangs out)

(+300: Name "who" it hangs out with)


(Atomic nucleus)

(Neutrons hang out with the Protons)


This "genetic blueprint" or "cookbook" of the cell is sometimes found in a specialized part but in bacteria it's just hanging out loosely floating throughout the cell

(+400: Give the full name of this cookbook)

(+400: Name the type of cell that bacteria have)


(Deoxyribonucleic acid)



The world is discovering that everything from specialty food substitutes to bricks to clothing can be made of organisms from this main Kingdom of life

(+400: name the type of cells that this organism's Kingdom is made up of)




Zdravstvuyte! If you're trying to walk through Red Square or attend the Hermitage in Sankt-Peterburg, you might need to govorit this language that was once used throughout the Empire of the Iron Curtain

(+400: For each country you can name that uses this language)

Russian (Russkyi)


This part of the Earth System is made up of the world's oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and all the other bodies of water



Both the Maya of the Americas as well as the Indians of Asia developed this very important concept which lets us do complex quantitative calculations - we'd be "nothing" without it!



Earth's ooey gooey center is a cool 5,200ยฐ Celsius (9,392ยฐ Fahrenheit)  inside - enough to keep this element which is its main component a molten liquid state like the inside of a lava cake!

(+400: Give the name of this portion of the Earth)

 (+400: Name a significant feature that this chemical element has, especially for our human purposes here on earth)



(Magnetic properties / Magnetism)


This "Negative Nancy" stays aloof from the rest of the chemical unit and spins around and around endlessly like planets around a star - it also gets moved around, a lot!

(+400: Name its net charge)

(+800: Give the name of the "shells" where these guys move around in)





This "gel" acts as the medium in which all of the parts of the cell float around in - it's "plas"tic fantastic



Trees are a vital part of so many industries, including construction, parks and recreation, and even paper production. This is the only continent that has no native ones (and you're unlikely to find any transplants of them here either)



Zaijian! If you're saying goodbye to friends after visiting the Terracotta Soldiers in Xi'an or walking through Tian'anmen Square in the capital, you might say "Yihoujian" in Zhongwen, or this language

(+500: For each country you can name that uses this language)

Chinese (Zhongwen)


This part of the Earth System is made up of layers of air that surround the physical Earth



These people of South America didn't leave evidence of a writing system per se, but they did have a very complex and accurate way of doing math and recording numbers using a yarn string system called "quipu"

(+500: Name the food crop that these people are responsible for cultivating and which has spread throughout the world as a world food staple)

The Inca



Places that are too cold to allow the soil to be cultivated by farming have this feature where the ground stays permanently frozen

(+500: Name places that have this feature)


(Siberia, Antarctica, far northern Canada, Alaska, Alpine / Mountain regions such as Himalayas, Alps, Rocky Mountains etc)


When more than one chemical unit hangs out with another in a bond, we can call it this

(+500: Name specific types of bonds)

(+500: Name a specific example of one of these, along with its chemical formula)


(Atomic bond types: ionic bond; covalent bond; polar covalent bond; hydrogen bond; metallic bond)

(Specific example, one of millions: Water - H2O; Table salt - NaCl)


All cells, no matter the type of organism, will have this type of boundary between "cell" and "not cell" - it has a lot of other functions besides holding everything inside

(+600: Name one additional function that this part has besides holding everything in)

(+600: Name one additional similar part that plants also have)

Cell membrane / (plasma membrane)


(Letting things in / out of cell; 

protection from invaders / harmful entities / toxins;

controls movement of electrolytes in and out;

regulates cell signalling and communication; etc)

(Cell wall)


Specialized medical treatments of the future will likely try to manipulate each person's unique body makeup to interact with this unique Universe of organisms found in every human being

(+600: Name one thing that this "Universe" helps us with.)


(Helps us digest food;

Helps us incorporate / make bioavailable various vitamins;

Assists immune system in protecting GI tract;

Assists with production of neurotransmitters and other substances including GI enzymes;

Helps with GI motility; etc)


Ua mau ke 'ea o' ka 'aina i ka pono - this motto of one of the island paradises on earth is the official motto of the place in this language - it means "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness". You probably won't need to use the lingo but you'll get bonus points for using this endangered language to order poi or mahi mahi (both words in the language)

(+100: For each country you can name that uses this language)

Hawaiian ('Olelo Hawai'i)


This word describes the part of the Earth System that is made up of the world's icy and glacial regions

(+600: Name a specific component or feature of this)


(Glacier; ice sheet; iceberg; ice caps; permafrost; surface ice and snow cover)


These people are famous for spreading the furthest around the world - they were / are masters of navigation

(+600: Name the people)

(+200: Name the part of the world they spread out in)

The Polynesians

(The Pacific Ocean)


Places on the surface of this "place" are among the coldest that we have ever detected in the Universe - temperatures as warm as 55 K (โˆ’218 ยฐC; โˆ’361 ยฐF) have been recorded

(+600: Name the temperature scale besides Celsius and Fahrenheit featured in this clue)




It's not just another word for a camp, or an area inside of a fence, or a type of monetary gain - this also the word we use for when a chemical substance is made up of many identical molecules joined together 

(+600: Name an example of what this cannot be)

(+600: Name an specific example of one)

(+600: Guess how many unique examples have been officially registered with the Chemical Abstracts Service, which is an index or encyclopedia of most known chemical substances studied)

(Chemical) Compound

(It cannot be made up of atoms of only a single element, like H2 or N2 or O2 )

(Specific example, one of millions: Water - H2O; Table salt - NaCl)

(Approx. 350,000 unique chemical compounds)
