This block can cook ores and food
What is furnace
how rare is an apple from an oak tree
what is 1/20
who is zombie
This Enchant decreases fall damage
This potion's recipe is: netherwarts -> spider eye
what is campfire
how rare is a zombie dropping iron
what is 1/40
This mob drops bamboo
What is panda
This Enchant causes lighting with a trident
what is channeling
This potion's recipe is: netherwarts -> blaze powder
what is strength
This block does NOT have a function for the player, but is a job site for a villager
what is fletching table
choose a different choice and get double reward
This mob drops ONLY string (overworld)
What is cat
This Enchant to an added level amount of 7 with stop the player from catching fire in bedrock edition
what is fire protection
This potion's recipe is: magma cream
what is mundan
This block turns stone into stone brick easier
What is stonecutter
how rare is getting a wither skeleton skull (%)
what is 2.5%
This mob drops slowness arrows
What is stray
choose another for double reward
This potion's recipe is: netherwarts -> sugar -> fermented spider eye
what is slowness
What is lodestone
how rare is deepslate emerald ore
What is ~1/25000~
What mob drops Pork and leather
This Enchant has a mobs name in it
What is depth strider
This potion's recipe is: netherwarts -> glistering melon -> fermented spider eye -> glowstone dust
what is instant damage level 2