This means of obtaining and "posting" information can lead to immoral decisions.
Social Media
Serious sins that require our full knowledge and consent.
The Internet
The Theological Virtues.
Faith, Hope, and Love (Charity)
8th Commandment violation that can sometimes be found when taking a test.
Acronym for a Model of a decision-making process.
God-given ability to make choices, right or wrong, in our lives.
Free Will
Initial source of morality for children.
These virtues are like a hinge and connect with other virtues.
The Cardinal Virtues
7th commandment violation that involves the use of a literary work without the author's permission.
This process of re-evaluating our choices, looking inside oneself, can be done over and over again.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by this global organization.
The United Nations
At this stage of Moral Development, one is more other-centered and seeks universal principles of proper morality.
Lasallian virtue that encourages a person to use great energy and enthusiasm in our proper actions.
"Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth," is found in this book of the Bible.
The basis for Christian Morality is found in these written texts.
The Old and New Testaments
In the Latin translation of the Bible, we would find "image of God" written this way.
Imago Dei
Our inner voice in making moral decisions.
Greek word for love that emphasizes the intimate sexual nature of a relationship.
It's 105 degrees outside and the only reason you visit your elderly neighbor's house is because it is air conditioned is a violation of this commandment.
10th Commandment - You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
We obtain salvation through the passion, death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus Christ.
The Paschal Mystery
Lesser sins like neglecting to pray or drinking excessively.
He developed stages of Moral development.
Animal pictured here and the common vice of students when it comes to studying and completing assignments.
Liar, liar, pants on fire is a violation of this commandment.
8th Commandment - You shall not bear false witness.