
Your mom said you can play your Roblox game today after school once you finish your math homework. You open up your math notebook and realize that you left your worksheet in your locker at school. You really just want to play Roblox now.

Question: What is the problem? What should you do to fix it?

The problem is that you left your math homework at school and need to do your homework to play Roblox.

You can fix it by telling your mom. She can drive you to school or talk to your teacher to see if you can get the worksheet.


You want to eat toast for breakfast but you only have cereal at home.

Is this a big or little problem?



Jody is a sophomore in high school. One day after school, she went into her room and slammed the door behind her. She threw her cell phone on the floor and curled up on her bed. She grabbed tissues to wipe away the tears.

When her mother knocked on her door to see what was wrong, Jody said that she had a bad day and doesn’t want to see or talk to Matthew again.

Question: Make an INFERENCE. Who do you think Matthew is?

Since Jody just came from school and is upset, Matthew is probably a classmate/friend or boyfriend.


What country do we live in?

United States


What is Ms. O'Connell's first name?

Mary (Mary June)


It is time for the big social studies test today on ancient Egypt. Your class has been learning about it for the past few months. Your teacher had a study day yesterday to practice for the test today. As a special surprise, she told everyone in class that they can write down definitions on a note card to use during their test. When your teacher hands you the test, you see everyone take out their note card. You open your backpack and realize you forgot your social studies folder at home...

Question: What is the problem? What can you do?

The problem is that you left your folder with your note card in it at home. You need it for the test today!

The solution could be to tell the teacher!

You might be allowed a few minutes to make a new notecard or have your parent drop off your folder. Your teacher could just tell you to take the test without it.


You wake up for school and want to wear your favorite blue sweater but can't find it anywhere.

Do you think this is a BIG or LITTLE problem?

Big problem: You need to figure out a plan to fix's a pretty big deal.

Little problem: you can easily fix something within a minute or so and it is no big deal!


You can just wear a different shirt today. Easy fix!


Jody is a sophomore in high school. One day after school, she went into her room and slammed the door behind her. She threw her cell phone on the floor and curled up on her bed. She grabbed tissues to wipe away the tears.

When her mother knocked on her door to see what was wrong, Jody said that she had a bad day and doesn’t want to see or talk to Matthew again.

Question: Make an INFERENCE. Why do you think Jody threw her phone on the ground?

Jody probably threw her phone on the ground because she is frustrated or upset. Matthew might have texted her something mean.


What is the mascot at Liberty junior high?



What day of the week is it?



You walk into 7-11 with your friends and grab 2 bags of skittles, a cherry slurpee, and some gum. You wait in line at the counter and finally get to the front. After the cashier rings up your items, she tells you the total will be $6.91. You look at the money in your hand and see 6 $1 bills.

Question: What is the problem? What can you do to fix it?

The problem is that you do not have enough money to buy all of the items.

The solution to the problem can be many things...

You can:

1) return a pack of gum or other item that you cannot afford

2) walk home without buying anything to get more money

3) ask your friends for an extra dollar


You are playing in your soccer game and get so upset with your teammate that you push them to the ground. They are on the ground and in pain.

Is this a BIG or LITTLE problem?

Big problem: You need to figure out a plan to fix's a pretty big deal.

Little problem: you can easily fix something within a minute or so and it is no big deal!

Big problem!

You lost your temper and need to help your friend. Make sure to tell your coach that your teammate is hurt and get him help. This is not going to be easy to fix.


Jody is a sophomore in high school. One day after school, she went into her room and slammed the door behind her. She threw her cell phone on the floor and curled up on her bed. She grabbed tissues to wipe away the tears.

When her mother knocked on her door to see what was wrong, Jody said that she had a bad day and doesn’t want to see or talk to Matthew again.

Question: Predict what you think will happen tomorrow at school.

Tomorrow at school, Jody may receive an apology from Matthew or have to talk to him about what was upsetting her. 


What are our school colors?

Red, White, and Blue


What holiday is coming up in February?

Hint: We usually see people posting red hearts for it!

Valentines Day


You're at Six Flags with your buddies and told them you'd go on all the rollercoasters before you got there. You are looking up at the Raging Bull ride feeling like you might pass out just looking at it. Your stomach is in knots and you can't stop sweating. 

Question: What's the problem? How can you fix the problem in this situation...what would be the best thing to do?

The problem is you do not want to go on the ride.

The best thing to do in this situation would probably be to sit out on this ride and take a break. You can see how you feel a while from now before going on another ride.


You want to sit next to your friend on the bus but they would rather sit with someone else.

Is this a BIG or LITTLE problem.

Big problem: You need to figure out a plan to fix's a pretty big deal.

Little problem: you can easily fix something within a minute or so and it is no big deal!


You can easily sit with someone else on the bus. You can fix the problem within a minute or so.


Julie is very fortunate to be able to earn a living working from home. She can make her own schedule and do what she really enjoys. She does not earn much money, but she makes enough to enjoy her life.

She sells most of her work online on a website, but some people purchase it in local galleries. Julie mostly works early in the morning because of the lighting. Her workspace is covered in design ideas and paintbrushes.

Question: Make an INFERENCE. What do you think Julie's job is?

Julie is probably an artist who sells paintings. We know she has paintbrushes and sells her work in art galleries!


What is Ms. O'Connell's favorite number?



What is an INFERENCE?

It is when we make an educated guess about what we read. We don't just make random guesses!


You have been getting bad grades on homework recently. Your mom and dad yell at you about it and you get your phone taken away. When you finally get your phone back, your friend text message chat is going off about the new video game that came out. You have 30 minutes to finish your homework before you leave for basketball practice.

Question: What is the problem? How can you fix it?

The problem is...that you have been doing bad on homework and you are getting distracted by your phone while you are supposed to do your homework.

You can fix it by putting your phone away while you do your homework. Read your texts in the car on the way to practice after you're done!


The problem is: Your test is tomorrow and you completely forgot about it. You are at home and don't have any books or notes to study with because you left everything at school. You haven't started studying this week yet.

Do you think this is a BIG or LITTLE problem?

Big problem: You need to figure out a plan to fix's a pretty big deal.

Little problem: you can easily fix something within a minute or so and it is no big deal!

BIG problem

You need to figure out some way to be ready for the test tomorrow... you need to figure out a plan!

Maybe you can ask a friend for some notes or ask your teacher some way to send you notes to study for tomorrow.


Julie is very fortunate to be able to earn a living working from home. She can make her own schedule and do what she really enjoys. She does not earn much money but she enjoys her life.

She sells most of her work online on a website, but some people purchase it in local galleries. Julie mostly works early in the morning with good lighting. Her workspace is covered in design ideas and paintbrushes.

Question: Make an INFERENCE. Why don't you think Julie works late at night?

Julie probably works early in the morning because the sunlight helps her paint clear pictures. Her house would be too dark to paint at nighttime without natural light from the sun.


What state is Chicago in?



Who is our new vice president?

Kamala Harris
